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On depression and who I am as a person. by Rowedahelicon

I wanted to write this journal to get this message out to anyone interested in reading it. May it be friends both new and old or anything who happens to be bored and wants to read the rambles of a madman.

I'm depressed. I suffer from depression, and I know it's a problem. It's a problem because it interferes with who I am, what I do, being and talking around others. And that's no good.

I don't want to come off as a basket case or anything, and I'm not asking for sympathy or anything like that. I just want to express how I feel towards certain things so in case anyone questions why I'm acting a certain way, they'll be able to keep it in mind.

I'm depressed for a multitude of reasons, I have problems with letting go of the past and dealing with uncertainty about the future. I continue to see a future for myself with little positive outcome. I have no goals in life, little aspirations, no drive to make me better at something.

I don't want to get old and unfulfilled, become a wage salve or something similar. I'm not ready to die and I don't sit here with a gun to my head, I just don't know what to do to make myself happy.

Why am I like this? I see too much of the world fail at things that take no thought to understand. I see people suffer for no reason, people driven by madness or selfish desires. No respect for anyone else. I've come to accept that these are just how things are and this is just how things go. I've come to accept that some people must sell themselves out to get more out of life, and do things they never thought they had to do.

I'm just not willing to do these things. I'm not looking at the world in angst, like it's my way or the highway. I just don't care about much.

I've had to watch my dad not go after his dreams because he's been too afraid to and trying to help him leads nowhere. I've had to watch him hang his head in shame in cry because other people took advantage of his good nature. I was the last person in my family to see my sister alive, and no matter what I can't live down how I told her I'd see her later instead of goodbye. I've had to watch as friends told me they'd be there and be gone the next.

Relationships with people who I still love, ended because I'm not well. Having to see those people try and move on through with life thinking no one loves them. Watching friends fail at things they've worked harder than ever for, friends caught between the affairs of others and get fucked by it. Just watching people get fucked over by the world because someone else did something differently.

I'm not trying to make myself sound righteous or anything because I think about other people. It's just how I am, but clearly it's not good to do that because it's just one giant guilt trip that'll wind up killing me.

I have so many conflicting emotions, memories of things I could of changed, I hold on to the past which while unhealthy, is so hard to let go.

Lately it's turned into anxiety, suddenly feeling like shit, can barely breathe or think. I had gon to a furcon last week and left early as I just felt so out of place and nervous being there.

I'm just getting so worn out from basic things at this point that nothing is as much fun anymore.

I just want out. If there is one that allows me to stick around in this world then I'll do what I can to go for it. But in the mean time, don't worry if I stop talking, or if I start crying. It comes and goes and I'll quickly get back on my feet, even if it's for a short time.

And don't think I'm not here for you either, I'm here for anyone no matter what. You can ask some people who've tried to talk to me, I deflect away from my problems pretty easily.

Thank you.


On depression and who I am as a person.


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    Rowdy, I've gone through the same thing. I'd recommend seeking some psychiatric help. It really does help, or just talk to a good friend.

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      Talking to friends doesn't really help as it just makes me feel worse. Guilty for bothering others, I just wanted to lay this out so people could see it and understand why I get weird sometimes. If I get better or not is dependent on a lot of things, but I don't want to be one of those types who vanishes without any word whatsoever, it makes me sad when that happens. ;w;

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    I know how depression feels... Dealt with it since I was in elementary school. I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better, but... I guess if there was such a thing I'd have done it for myself. All I can say is that no matter what, keep fighting. Depression is an asshole, so you can't let it win.

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      Thank you for that, I prefer honest answers than false hope any day <3 And same to you mean, gotta keep up the good fight

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    Rowdy I think you're letting the pitfalls of others bring you down too much. There are a LOT of people who get depressed. It's how they handle (or how they can't handle) it that determines the severity. You might want to take this as an opportunity to start weeding out the people who've been nothing but a toxic influence. I'm not suggesting you turn cold and ignore people completely, but there's only so much you can do as an empathetic friend before it starts affecting -your- well being as well.

    You recognize that there's no use in holding onto the past, dwelling over what you could've done. So don't do it. Take these experiences as lessons learned rather than mistakes that continue to haunt you. Because aside from yourself, I doubt ANYONE would hold you up to those mistakes. I've fucked up in a lot of different ways in the past few years. I've burned bridges, ruined potential relationships, and have come off as a -very- shady individual unintentionally. I'm embarrassed when I think about them, but I don't let them define me. As a person you are constantly growing, the mistakes you made do not reflect who you are now.

    Concerning your lack of ambition, it sounds like it comes from being around the failures and shortcomings of others. I'm in no position to give sound advice about this, because I'm much in the same boat. I have no idea what I'm going to do after college! It helps to recognize what things get you excited, what things do you feel passionately about, and take those feelings with you when you set off to find work. There's a good article I found that has to do with being realistic about your passions, and it might be of some help.

    Find the things that give you joy and embellish in them. There are sucky parts of all our lives, that's unavoidable. You will have off days, you'll have uneventful days, but they don't define you as a whole. It doesn't matter how freaking stupid the things are, pursue it. This is just me projecting a little, but I'd suggest you try painting. I don't know what it is, but something about the way you've made art makes me feel like you'd do well painting for real. But it's all up to you, let your interests guide you out of the rut you're in.

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      I spent some time thinking about weather or not I should reply to this or not. I don't like to immediately attack anyone trying to help with a reply which'll just seem like I'm being stubborn and am actively refusing help, but I'm sure that's how I come across most of the time.

      "As a person you are constantly growing, the mistakes you made do not reflect who you are now." Is something I re-read a few times because in my case, that's not the case. A lot of what I do and how interact with people is reflected on things that have happened. I've made a lot of deep mistakes that I can't flush out of my head, and they are the motivation for a few of my actions now a days.

      That's part of why I don't think I ever should get better, before I was depressed, I was totally alone with no real friends or anything, but I was happy. At least in being sad, I'm here for people who need it.

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    As I was reading this - I was thinking "anxiety" and then toward the end you mentioned it. Some of your fears may not be rooted in things you cannot control (such as witnessing bad things happening to good people - which is always awful) - but also as a natural disposition which is sometimes inherited. I thought depression was my problem for a while, only to find out that the depression was a result of increasing anxiety. I got a point where I didn't want to be in public at all b/c I didn't want to deal with people. I am seeing a therapist now and it is really helping.

    That said, I'm very sorry to hear that you have gone through so many trials - I have not lost a sibling and I know that must be especially difficult. I'll chat with you any time - well - when I'm not having anxiety ;-)