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I hate people by insanejoker

"boohoo i'm just a poor female game dev and now that i made fun of ppl they made fun of me and don't like what i say so it's harassment'

'oh yea my parents are millionaires and gave me 200,000 to make my poorly made iphone game and I don't think that's a lot of money so I'm ok with tweeting about it, cause everyone else has rich parents, right?'

I am convinced that a majority of rich kids are so detached from reality that when they attempt to interact with us...not rich people or lucky people, just don't know what suffering or going through hardships really means. Yet they will pretend they know /exactly/ what you're going through.

No. just no. This makes me so mad.

I hate people


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    Should I ask what's going on now in the shitstorm that is tumblr and the anti gamergate stuff

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      No, someone just pointed out a tweet. I got rid of tumblr lol.

      One of the women who claims harassment (after she originally made "gentle" (she said that) memes to make fun of gamergate, and they made them back), is the daughter of millionaires. They just gave her 200,000 dollars to make her game, and she still made a kickstarter / patreon whatever it was to get MORE money to make the game. She just claims to know what hardships are, what it's like to struggle, etc. etc. No. If your parents are able to give you that much money like it's NOTHING, you don't struggle with anything except being unable to relate to those who aren't the children of rich parents.

      I just really hate that it's becoming a fad for rich kids to play pity party because "their life is so hard". I know not all of them are like this and some probably have real issues that made life difficult in terms of health and the like. But for the most part, all I see in those opposing gamergate (the ones that scream the loudest) are rich and come from a rich background.

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    I hate people like that! Live in the streets for two fucking years, barely having enough money for food, clothes, and water! I would fucking slap that girl if I saw her.

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      There are many girls like her. FFFFFF Wouldn't slap them, but I'd give them a good talkin' to D:<

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    That shit just disgusts me. They have no idea what other people struggle with day to day. Some people have to worry about whether or not they're going to eat but these people can spend 200k on a game. -_-

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    This shit pisses me off so bad, as someone who actually has school issues.

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    I really hate rich kids who think like that. Personally I don't even know what 200K looks like. I've never worked and made over 12 bucks an hour. I haven't had a job with benefits since... wow... 10 years ago? Rich kids can suck it. I've been homeless 3 times because of shitty landlords and shitty parents. They don't know hardships. I've worked in places so sexist that it was either work there or go poor. I've given up my dreams several times in order to feed myself so their whole inability to grasp the dollar bill and what it actually means pisses me off.
    Don't bag on a game with your fat wallet of cash. Rich people make me sick. If they didn't think they were "livin it hard" or if they didn't constantly insult me with their "poor people are uneducated" bullshit I might consider them friends. Too bad they start off by trying to get what it's like. I never see them give money to a homeless person. EVER. Yet I will reach into my pocket and give them my change because I was there, I know what it's like to live with no home. They will NEVER understand it.
    I sentence this girl to 6 months on the street with no parental help whatsoever during the chilly fall-winter season and then a year on welfare, deal with the prejudices of real life when you have no job and can't get one. THEN she will understand the hardships people face from day to day.
    Hell, BifNaked up in Canada is doing it and she's a famous rock star up here.

    200,000 LOL That would do me well right now to pay off all my student loans from 7-10 years ago and I'd still have money left and not know what else to do with it and end up giving it all away.

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      Being innocently ignorant of a situation is one thing, they just don't realize. But when you think people getting upset at the fact you got 200grand is just because they hate you or are just being mean, no. That's not being innocently ignorant. That's just refusing to realize you /were very lucky/ and, despite me hating the word, /privileged/.

      I know people who have been well off, but they're very nice and know not everyone is well off. Like, they treat others equally and not based on money or past or where they came from. Those are people I will stand by, not those who DO judge based on money / where you come from. ljlskjdljfsaldfj my mind right now XD

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        Wooowwwww. I need to find these people so that I don't fill my goggles full of hate. I seem to bump into all the wrong people.
        Heck you don't even know how much anyone has or how rich anyone is just by looking at them. It's their personalities and their prejudices towards a certain class that does it. (though this doesn't help my previous statement, I think I just had a lot of animosity since I am going through some real personal issues atm)
        I'm good... for now... had a good cry. I'm safe to talk to. XD I promise I won't hate on ALL the rich kids....

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    I recommend that everyone that grew up living comfortably live with little disposable income/in crappy housing/on welfare or disability or helping someone get it and maintain it to get first hand experience of what it is like dealing with that/ around people with a lot of different problems for a while to get some perspective on what most people in the world deal with. And then there are many levels of suffering that can not be experienced by some people first hand, but that people put up with, like race issues. And then all you can do is watch and listen. You can try to do things like, imaging what it might be like for someone's non-consensual sex slave chained in a basement in the middle of no where, by trying to figure out how you think you would feel, but its not accurate until its actually happened to you. So when someone like that gets away or is liberated, listen to them what it was like, how they coped. Listen to people that experience different kinds of abuse and hardship and mental problems and pet peeves and entitlements and all. There is a world of suffering. Having mental problems oneself helps to understand. There are a million flavors of suffering. And levels I have no consciousness of. I know there are whole categories and levels I have little or no grasp of, because I see people that have no grasp of the ones I have. And I can see that right now I am getting a better grasp of a level I previous had little understanding of, but I may never be able to get a good grasp of that level due to my circumstance. I think since I grew up very financially comfortable I have such an interest in this because I am aware I could be a majorly privileged ignorant part-of-the-problem if I didn't try to be aware of this stuff. And I have been, because ignorant. It drags you down though, studying his though, I'll tell you what. It is no wonder that someone happy already doesn't want to look at this stuff, it is like studying forbidden dark arts in a way. It will hurt you. I can only take so much, too, but the people that live in any set of problems have to deal with it all the time. I have my own sets I deal with all the time, with these on top. I tell dad about the stuff I read on tumblr lately and shit I've seen and the way people get treated and he knows some things, and some things I don't he know, and he cares about people but he /is/ way more removed from it than I am, and I know I am way more removed from it than people with any particular set and degree of problems. He thinks studying this stuff drags me down, and it does. But I also like it. And he says he doesn't think he could take all that, like the stuff I read about or talking to people with all these problems. And I tell him someone has to do it.

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      I think about everyone should do it. It is a dangerous type of ignorance, to lack knowledge of suffering in general.

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        Also, like, if you have the /opportunity/ to live in multiple conditions, that is in shitty conditions and in great conditions, and you are an observant and sensitive person, you can actually figure out subtle little things about what or why certain conditions do to you. For instance, living in a house that is not as nice, a lot of little nuances build up that ultimately affect the ability to work and focus. i won't write an esay on this atm but if I sat down and thought about the differences between living here and in Pittsburgh -- oh and also the effects of being around stable and unstable people, like, living with my untable mom gives a certain kind of drain that living with Faust did not. But living with Faust did certain things to me that living with my folk does not. And living in a house full of punks smoking all the time inside the house and showing up on various things, had a certain effect. Living in a house where the ceiling fell into the bathtub and bugs came out and couldn't get it fixed because the landlord was shitty, for like a month, meanwhile showering in a shower stall in my neighbors apartment that could have fallen though the floor at some point, has a certain effect on you.... but the rare thing is, living somewhere that is peaceful and needs are met. When that happens a lot of things can come into perspective about how to live and I don't think a lot of folks that live high on the hog, nor a lot of folks that live low and never get a nice place, may be able to see that. And I think knowledge coming from stuff like that is important because a person can figure out how to live.

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          Even if someone doesn't go out of their to really experience it, listening and realizing that not everyone is born well off is enough. It's accepting others despite differing viewpoints or social class.

          I personally don't care if someone got money from their millionaire parents, but I do care when you say 'oh it was so hard to do and i struggled and I wound up having to work at gamestop!' like it's some horrible event, despite more than half of everyone else having to do that. It's like if you point it out they think you're just mad for other reasons or jealousy - and it's like maybe part jealous, but don't forget it's not easy for others because not everyone has access to money.

          It's just asdghsd;ghsd in the end.

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            Slave wage jobs are evil. Period. They suck the soul out of people.

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      "he knows some things, and some things I don't [know] he knows,"