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Cross post - Special Sale in dA, shameless selfadvert! by Dogi Crimson

Okay, quick re-cap

I hold a free raffle in deviantArt each December, which lasts for 24 days. This is called "Calendar Raffle", where I use to choose from favers who gets what - whatever it would be Premium Membership, points (this year the scale is 100-200 points, meaning 1-2 USD) , or art-work from yours truly.

But I made the decision of opening the commissions AFTER I've finished all the raffle prizes, meaning I want to add more point-prizes in, scaling as high as 500 at best.

So those with deviantArt, who happen to have points (amounts between 100 - 300), I have special sale on sketches, colored sketches and shaded/colored sketches there! For one I collect points for the give-away, and for two I need up to date examples. All the best slots for sketches have been taken, but I'll be adding more things as some slots are being taken off. Latest addition being the Camo-icons, which are 150 points (roughly 1,5 USD) per piece! Or 225 points (2,25 USD) if you go for jointed one.

ALSO, if you want to join the give-away once it happens, I highly suggest following me in dA now and keeping an eyeout! I will post the information two weeks before December 1st.

You can find the sale-info in this link:

Cross post - Special Sale in dA, shameless selfadvert!

Dogi Crimson

Journal Information
