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Pick my Streaming options! by Lapseph

So, I've been not streaming for a while due to tireds. That is liable to occur again soon enough, but for the time being is not an issue. FA being down and thus the majority of my viewing audience not knowing I'd be streaming was the problem... XP That's done now, so I'm gonna try to get back into that routine... Additionally, I may be looking to just stream for long periods of time earlier in the day, potentially just so I can record gameplay footage, but still... something you could potentially observe live as well, since I'll be recording through Twitch.

That said, help me out a bit... XP
What would YOU like to see me play?

Here is basically the list of all the games I have on Steam.

Yes, that is my Steam profile. Yes, you can add me as a Friend there. But if I don't really know you there is a 98% chance I will ignore the invite, please do not take it personally. I am awkward, anxious, angry, and anti-social. <.<;

Moving on... XP
Browse through that list and let me know what games you would most like to see me play. You can recommend more than one game, so feel free to make a list. But no more than 4-5 suggestions please, I have a hard enough time making decisions on my own as it is, don't make this harder on me. XD The whole point of this inquiry is to make the decision easier! XD

Please note that I am also able to play SMITE, Town of Salem, and Cards Against Humanity while streaming, in addition to any game on that list. Also note that the list will probably expand a little bit in a few days because... I am developing a problem... coughs <.<;; Shut up.

And just to strike them down now... Do not suggest any of the following...
-Homefront (It is broken as shit and barely runs.)
-Monday Night Combat (Servers are dead)
-Super Monday Night Combat (Uuuuggghhhhh)
-Strike Suit Zero (Gameplay makes me nauseous)
-Strike Suit Infinity (Gameplay makes me nauseous)
-Superpower 2 (Decent game, but boring as shit)
-The Expendabros (Already streamed it)
-The Walking Dead S1 (I am not emotionally capable of replaying that game)
-You Have to Win the Game (Already streamed it)
-One Finger Death Punch (Already streamed, cannot progress any further in the game)

Pick my Streaming options!


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