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I Have A Patreon by JayNaylor

I’ve pondered what I’m going to do with Patreon for a while. I’ve always wanted to let people support me in other ways besides my website’s catalog, which is a little old and cumbersome, now. What I’m doing with Patreon is:

I’m going to be posting my full color adult comic pages as I complete them. I’m also going to be posting my warm up sketches, many of which are little serials with characterizations and little plot elements (like the Persia-Flounce cuckolding sketches I’ve posted prior). I also intend to listen to contributors and allow some tiers to have input on which projects I do next. I’m hoping as Patreon becomes more successful, it will free me up to provide more exclusives.

Right now my next adult comic project is going to be the third part of The Rise of the Wolf Queen. It’s been a while and things are set to get kind of intense.

I’ve also made a tier which guarantees a shaded sketch commission every month, but there are only a limited number of slots available.

What does this mean for Fur Affinity, Tumblr, Deviant Art, Weasyl, and etc? It will mean that Patreon will become the most complete gallery of things that I create from here on. All my other web accounts will get the things I want to make public, like maybe the first one or two parts of a sketch series that is on Patreon, available to contributors, and the occasional stand alone piece, and comic sample page.

What does it mean for my site’s catalog? It will remain, and completed projects will continue to be posted there. Patreon will be an alternative way for people to support me, and I hope it’s an attractive one. I don’t see Patreon surprising me so much that the site catalog becomes superfluous, but who knows?

Thank you again for all your support! You guys are great.

I Have A Patreon


Journal Information




  • Link

    I have a question about the last one.
    You said maybe three people in the sketch?

    • Link

      Right. Basically that'd be the max. Since I'd have to get them done within a timeframe, I can't make them super complex, and some people's requests are more time consuming than others.

  • Link

    sweet cant wait for I know it going to be awesome good luck with it