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So...FA is down by Adleisio

So I know I have been pretty inactive here, but let put it to you straight, FA has been down for more than 48 hours and is presumed under a DDoS attack.

So I will hopefully be more active here from now on, I will cross post everything I can, but for now I have no new art to post and will hopefully have some in a few days if I can rearrange my table space to set up my scanner in my dorm.

So...FA is down


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  • Link

    Yeah, I figured I maybe should do the same thing. It might be down over the weekend, which worries me because I do need to work this weekend to pay my internet bill. I've heard people really like this site so I might take the opportunity to explore it more.

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      It is actually very geared towards artists, if I can find a way to record my screen I was going to a youtube tutorial about getting started with Weasyl and how to make the transfer easy. There are some really cool features that make this site more "professional"

      • Link

        Awesome. Yeah, I'm kinda getting around, but I should maybe just take the down time to draw, instead.

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          I would do that, I will work on a video over the next two days.

  • Link

    Actually, InkBunny, Weasyl, and Sofurry were also hit by DDoS attacks, and ther ehave been points where I couldn't get on Weasyl either.

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      Yeah, Inkbunny and Weasyl are the only two back up though. and actually Weasyl was done for so little time that I didn't even notice. I heard from another friend, but someone has a vendetta against furries, I don't understand why people can't just leave each other alone if they don't like a group, especially on the internet.