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Opinions on Patreon? by SpartaDog

I've already made an account on Patreon but uh....yeah I have absolutely no idea how I wanna use it. I've seen some artists use it as like....incentive to do personal/fan work rather than commissions, but I sort of do that anyway. And I've seen others use it to post WIPs, doodles, etc but I do that already too XD And I don't want to limit the content I already post, just offer something more.

So if you guys have ideas for what you'd pay to see more of from me, or if you think it's even worth it for me to launch one, please let me know!

Opinions on Patreon?


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    someone I follow on patreon does a backers only nsfw comic, its the reason I support their patreon lD
    he also does monthly sketch requests for high paying backers which is pretty cool

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      Yeah I've been considering doing a comic but I know from experience I don't usually have the patience or attention span for comics lol

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    my opinion is... it really grinds my gears. that artsits want to geT PAID. TOD O THiNGS. DraW FREE PATREON BAD

    jk sorry everytime I see Patreon I think of that one jackhole from FA |D

    I would love to see a comic from you, but its a large project to undertake and if you dont feel you have the patience for it then it would be no benefit to you or those who would want to back you. I suppose you could always stop posting doodles and sketches and WIPs and save them for Patreon supporters, or plan special, large projects and use it as incentive for your backers... im not terribly sure since all I've seen are those three options but /shrugsssss/

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      LOL It's okay I do too. I keep waiting for someone to say that XD

      But the thing is I like posting my doodles on Tumblr lol. It's a really quick easy upload. And I don't want to make special projects for Patreon only because I don't want to keep my best work off my main galleries xD UGH THE STRUGGLE

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        You don't need to keep the work off of your galleries? Patrons would be backing the projects, either just to support, or to also receive a reward. The reward could be high resolution artwork from whatever the project may be. The reward could be wips from the project. The reward could be seeing it a little earlier than everyone else.

        Just because you do the work for your Patreon doesn't mean it always needs to stay on there and never see the light of day.

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          Hmmm yeah, I suppose that's true. I hadn't thought of that.