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Know Your Character by Ana

Full Name: Inanna Ellen Aisling

Current Age: 18

Gender: Female

Blood Type: A

Astrological Sign: Pisces with Aries cusp.

Chinese Zodiac: Dog

Nationality: Earthling

Ethnicity: Italian, German, Sicilian

Race/Species: Coyote+Rabbit Hybrid

Criminal Record: Stole a peppermint patty once.

Birth Date: March, 19th

Birth Place: Chattanooga, TN

Current Residence: Earth

Occupation: College Student

Hobbies: Psychology, Astrology, Literature, Art, and anything strange and/or ethereal.

Talents: Drawing, Sleeping, Dream Interpretation

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120 lbs

Posture: A bit slumped.

Build: Slim.

Hair: White with chocolatey brown tips to each strand of hair.

Eyes: Dual colored irises, the tops of each pastel orange blending into a pastel minty blue bottom.

Glasses/Contacts: Neither.

Ambidextrous,Left, or Right Handed: Right.

Style: Introverted ADD.

Balanced/Clumsy: Depends on the day. Usually clumsy.

Mannerisms: Generously sweet, polite, slightly withdrawn, and rather sycophantic.

Habits/OCDs/Obsessions: Perfectionist

Do They Curse, if so to what extent: Depends on who she's been spending time around most. Usually not very much, but when she does, there is no limit to what she will or will not say.

Describe their voice: Too young for her body.

Sleep Patterns: Can't fall asleep nor wake up at the correct time. She'll stay up for too long and sleep in for too long. Both an insomniac and hypersomniac, in a way.

Eating Patterns: Erratic. One day she can indulge in copious amounts of food healthy and unhealthy, the next she could eat like a bird if anything at all.

Known Languages: English. Knows a few words in many other different language. Fluent in sarcasm.

Secret Desires: Secret things.

How Self Confident Are they: Little to not at all.

Most Proud Of: Her friends and mom.

Dominant or Submissive: Very submissive.

Level Of Patience: Depends on how much she cares about anyone involved.

Ruled by emotion or logic: Emotion, confused by trying to force logic into anything.

Most at ease when: When she's asleep/dreaming.

Ill at ease when: When she's wrong about something or is forced to admit to failure or when someone she lets into her life doesn't like her.

Mental/Social Strengths: Due to her eagerness to please, few people can be upset with her for long or not like her. Most are happy with her company.

Mental/Social Flaws: Cripplingly low self confidence/self worth. Too emotionally driven.

If they could be described with one of the seven sins: Lust. Not necessarily in a sexual manner. Just overly passionate and indulging, "Lust or lechery (carnal "luxuria") is an intense desire. It is usually thought of as excessive sexual wants, however the word was originally a general term for desire. Therefore lust could involve the intense desire of money, fame, or power as well.

In Dante's Purgatorio, the penitent walks within flames to purge himself of lustful/sexual thoughts and feelings. In Dante's Inferno, unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane-like winds symbolic of their own lack of self-control to their lustful passions in earthly life."

Biggest Vulnerability(non physical): Her own mind.

Optimist or Pessimist: Both.

Greatest Fear: Being wrong all along and missing out on her dreams and fantasies because of it, and/or hurting others in any way because of it.

Other fears/phobias: Parasites, being stranded in the middle of a huge body of water, being in murkey water, being trapped either phsyically or mentally, giving birth, being paralyzed, being hated/disliked by people she deeply cares for, and losing control of herself.

Musical talents: Absolutely none whatsoever.


Color: Likes the colors Indigo, Gray or Silver, Mint Green, Cream;; Doesn't dislike any color.

Clothing: Likes lingerie, stockings, lacy things, oversized long sleeved shirts, shorts, leggings, tights, pastel/earthy colors, handmade/vintage;; Dislikes wearing overly flashy clothing, things with ruffles, most dresses, most high heels.

Place: Loves the country, small downs, old places, forests, mountains, short trips to huge cities, places with even seasons;; Hates overly industrialized places, dry and/or dusty places, places too cold or too hot for too long.

Room in house: Her own room, and anywhere with lots of books and good sensory (pleasent smells, soft things, good lighting);; Dislikes any room that is overly crowded with people (she will not enter a room full of people unless she absolutely has to, an if she does, she won't do anything in it).

Food/Drink: Likes Dr. Pepper, pistachios, sushi, roasted marshmallows, deer meat, potatoes (mashed, fried, soup, baked, etc), tomatoes, salad, most asian food, pasta, steak, water, concord grape juice (all if not mostly natural), avocado, buttered egg noodles, capers, authentic mexican fajitas, vegetarian pâté, chocolate ice cream, key lime pie with graham cracker crust, french vanilla ice cream with caramel topping, fresh peaches, bacon, egg nog, Junior Mints, cherry blow pops, cherry Air Heads, watermelon Air Heads, fresh watermelon, artichoke, carrot cake, homemade cream cheese frosting, ferrero rocher chocolates, cream cheese;; Dislikes sweet potato, white peaches, raisins, most cakes, most frosting, cupcakes, sweet cereals, root beer, coke, pepsi, fruit with chocolate, gatorade, bananas, banana flavored things, cream filled chocolates, oranges (not because of flavor, but because of how messy and annoying they are to eat).

Music genre: Primarily favors electronic, classic rock, symphonic rock, most alternative, some pop;; Doesn't really dislike any music but most screamo/super heavy metal, gospel music, and most rap.

Song and Singer/band: Likes Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, Chasing The Sun by The Wanted, several songs by Gorillaz, Coldplay, Journey, Nox Arcana, Come Into My Dreams by Foggy, Electric by The DNC, EVERYTHING by Ellie Goulding, Lindsey Stirling, I Remember by Kaskade, Pins and Needles by The Birthday Massacre, Two Hearts by The Birthday Massacre, Kill The Lights by The Birthday Massacre, Lovestruck by Breath Electric, Feel So Close by Calvin Harris, Diabolical by Mindless Self Indulgence, Straight to Video by Mindless Self Indulgence, Undisclosed Desires by Muse, Bliss by Muse, Good Time by Owl City, Vanilla Twilight by Owl City, Odebear by Purity Ring, The Way It Was by Wolfgang Gartner;; Dislikes Twist in My Story by Secondhand Serenade.

Movie/Tv show: Likes Bambi, Doctor Who, Sanctuary, Robin Hood (animated animal version), Fantasia, most animated Disney movies, Criminal Minds, NSCIS, Inception, Tangled, Zombieland, LOTR, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Shutter Island, V for Vendetta, Coraline, Labyrinth, Warehouse 13;; Dislikes talk shows, drama shows, comedies, Sponge Bob, Flapjack, South Park, overhyped action movies.

Book: Likes Stellaluna, Bridge to Terrabithia, Summer of The Elves, Chronicles of Narnia, Shiver, Pendragon, The Alchemist, The Magician, The Sorceress, Eregon, Eldest, Brisinger, Incarceron, Sapphique;; Dislikes Animal Farm, Of Mice and Men, The Pearl, Ender's Game, Lord of The Flies.

Subject in school: Likes Art, Science, Literature, Psychology;; Dislikes Math, Phsyical Education and any form of team sports.

Mode of Transportation: Likes walking, biking, flying, hiking, and white water rafting;; Doesn't really dislike a form of transportation. xD

Most prized Possession: She's very sentimental. Most things that she has been given that is small enough or useful enough she treasures very close to her heart.

What do they consider taboo(something they'd personally never do): Intentionally betray someone, intentionally lie to someone, intentionally hurt someone in any way. Other than that, she has trouble seeing the bad or wrong in anyone.

Emotional Self-control: Extremely stressful to control.

Spontaneous or structured: Spontaneous.

Instinctual or logical: Instinctual.

Act around friends: Perverted, silly, enthusiastic, impulsive.

Act around family: Closed off, intelligent, quiet, reserved.

How do they deal with or react to...

Conflict/danger: There's a huge difference here for her. Conflict between anyone she knows and cares about, she automatically feels entitled to fix it in any way, and if she can't, she feels miserable. If she isn't that close to them, she gets very impatient and annoyed. Actual phsyical danger, if someone she likes talks her into it, she'll dive into it happily like it's nothing. Though she knows this and tries to avoid those situations. xD;

Rejection: Extremely hurt and shaken, takes awhile to recover, deals with it quietly.

Fright: Genunine fright? Shaking, chewing her lip, digging into her hands, very very very still.

Change: That depends. If she is unprepared for it, it throws her off and overwhelms her. But she's usually prepared for change and often times welcomes it.

Loss: Lack of emotion at first. Usually frightenlingly logical and cold. Later very unstable and clingy with people she likes.

Sex/flirting: Very insecure but very open about it.

Pain: Depends on where it's at. If it's internal head pain, she gets very annoyed and snappy and extremely emotional. If it's something like a UTI or bladder infection, she's very cranky and desperate. Anywhere else she usually just tolerates it pretty well.

Guilt: She hates it with all of her being. If the guilt is too much, it'll crush her.

Being Wrong: Also hates this with all of her being. She struggles quite a bit and puts much stress and worry into making sure everything is perfect and correct in or out of her mind. Being wrong makes her incredibly uspet, but she would rather know she's wrong than be led on by her own fantasies.

Being Criticized: Very spiteful.

Insulted: Depends on how much she respects/cares about them. If she doesn't know them, she just avoids and ignores them. Might make her a bit cranky though. If she respects/cares about them, her world shatters for awhile till she can recover and work on the things she was being insulted for, obsessively trying to "fix" herself.

Praise: She is overjoyed and praises them back.

Being loved: The best thing in the world to her.

Being Hated: Is confused, a bit cold towards the matter, but avoids and ignores the person hating her.

Humiliation: Feels terribly anxious and self conscious. She will withdraw and hide away, becoming very antisocial and angsty.

How do they express....

Anger: She tries to hide it the best she can and deals with it till she can no longer.

Sadness: ^

Love: ^

Lust: ^

Stress: ^

How Do they feel about:

Marriage: One would think she loves the idea, but she's actually very unsure about it. Even still there's a 90% chance she will not refuse if she likes you in any way, simply because she would see it as one of the biggest let-downs if she were to refuse, and she can talk herself into any fantasy and believe anything she wants to make the future any better for herself.

Children: Terrified, but finds herself fantasizing it occasionally anyways.

Family: She loves her family but likes to keep a distance between her current residence and them.

Old Age: Content with it as long as she doesn't get stuck in a nursing home or hospital because of her inability to take care of herself or control herself.

Sex: With someone she has a strong emotional connection to, yespls, but she's usually insecure about it and afraid of disappointing them. Otherwise, she just likes to show off carelessly.

Love: It is her world. Very confusing and scary, but it drives her.

Friendship: Confusing, but she needs a few close friends.

Homosexuality: Yus.

Money: Has no worth to her other than what good comes of what she gets with it. She will happily go overboard in blowing it on other people and ways to enhance her time with people she likes.

Religion: Respects the religion of others until it's being forced on her. Then she gets a bit crabby over it and avoids them.

Racism/races in general: She will laugh at harmless racist jokes, but actual racism is stupid.

Science/technology: Interesting and amusing, but overused.

Drugs and alcohol: Drinks socially, and she's very tolerant of what others do with their own lives, but she believes that people overuse and depend on these things way too much. It annoys her.

Killing/murder: She has a very twisted and confused idea of right and wrong. Understanding of the killer, the victim, and the friends and family involved. In the end she feels a bit indifferent but supportive of everyone somehow.

Unknown: Embraces it, as it's a chance to learn more and more and more and more and more.

Life: Is confusing. She both hates and loves it passionately.

Death: Is confusing. She both hates and loves it passionately.

How she is perceived by....

Strangers: Too quiet, therefore she must be smart/weird/knows everything, and must be copied off from at school. 8D

Friends: Cute, weird, perverted, understanding, intelligent, troubled, too involved in problems that aren't her own.

Family: The poor confused little girl.

Sex/romantic Life.....

What did they do on their first date: Roller skating.

Typical date: A walk at night through the neighborhood, cuddles, and something yummy to drink.

How old were they when they lost their virginity: 15

How do they feel after sex: Cuddly, affectionate, adoring.

Do they have self control(cheat?): She is extremely loyal to the people she cares about, and when she gives herself to someone, she lives by their standards (if it means 100% loyalty to them, she will do so), and if she ends up not liking it, she will eventually become too stressed and simply leave, as guilt weighs too heavily on her for her to ever go against their idea of a relationship.

Does sex play an important role in relationships? to what extent: Yes, but it's not necessary at first, it's just usually what happens anyways. At least once or a few times a week, depending upon what's going on.

Turn-ons: Intelligence, sensitivity, long hair (not super long), gentleness, creativity, deep and/or emotional conversations, firmness, class, childishness.

Turn-offs: Filth, insensitivity, drugs, closed mindedness, overly judgemental people, pessemism.

Fetishes: Love, passion, intimacy, closeness, intense pleasure on the other person involved, teasing, being a well loved pet, pleasing the partner.

Top or Bottom: Usually bottom. Top for a few positions.

Have they impregnated someone or been impregnated: No.

Sexual experience with the same sex: Yes.


Immediate family members/ages: Holly (Mom, 46), Jay (Dad, 46), Ray (Adopted Brother, 28).

Ethnicity and/or species of the mother: Coyote

Ethnicity and/or species of the father: Rabbit

Ethnicity and/or species of the brother: Faroxal (Caracal/Fox)

Birth Order: First.

Did they know their birth parents: Yes.

Are parents still alive: Yes.

Was this character raised by someone other than their parents?: Yes.

How did the parent(s)/caretaker(s) treat him/her growing up?: Her mother treated her well with kindness, love, and compassion. Her step father abused her. Her biological father mistreated her, as he had no idea how to take care of a daughter.

Know Your Character


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