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Not Feelin' It At All... by SilveroneWunny

This has been a week from hell, my car was broken into and I lost one of my oldest pets. This was all on Tuesday.

The few of you that met my cat Cheza, will be sad to hear I had to euthanize her. She went into the next to last stage of a diabetic crash and was found near unresponsive and very weak. She had been staying with my inlaws since we came back to New Mexico. And Tuesday morning my MiL called saying something wasn't right. Now what I don't get, is the vet said she was very dehydrated, but my MiL claims she was able to drink and no signs of vomiting... Too late now I guess. I've been prepared for this since the start of the year, she just hadn't been herself. And she's shown some signs since last summer, but the blood work was inconclusive. I haven't cried, and I think that my inlaws are upset over that fact. But I am depressed. I knew this was coming, so I believe I was more mentally prepared than I thought. She was a permanent 3rd wheel for my husband and I. I had gotten her as a kitten just before we started dating, she was 13...

As for my car getting broken into, Sniper left the doors unlocked Sunday night and someone took advantage of that. The stole $15-20$ in change, a pair of military issue Oakleys, pens, auxiliary and iPod cables, and my fucking diaper bag... So David is now missing three outfits, two bottles, a bottle brush, and several other small items. Fucking druggies I'm sure. I could care less about the cords and other stuff, but the diaper bag has me pissed off.

Not Feelin' It At All...


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  • Link

    What the fuck kind of human TRASH steals diaper bag?


    I'm real sorry all of this hit you at once :(

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      Thanks Hun, I'm wondering this same thing. Even the Cops who took my report thought it was very odd. But they weren't too surprised it happened, especially since the drive-by last week. Happened right out side our front door, luckily David and I were out with my nephew getting him a Bday gift. But the cops said there was an increase in activity for our area, around McGaffey and Sunset, ever since.

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        Oh my god, that's so scary. ;_;

        The area you're living in right now sounds faaaaar from ideal.

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          It is, sad thing is, it used to one of the better complexes in Roswell.

          I just wish we would hear something from our realtor about the house...