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Updates and stuff I guess by Lurigo

Hiya there. Been rather silent as of late, so I may as well give an update on what's going on.
It's been really crazy lately. Lots of work, and lots of issues.

Studies: They weren't exaggerating when they said the second year of engineering is a tough one. Miss something and it's pretty damn difficult to catch up. Assignments are insane. Got 6 subjects this semester, and all of them throw at least one assignment at me at once. One subject (that really ticks me off), has 5 assignments still due this semester.
Apart from the one EE subject (the one that is actually relevant to my field), things haven't been going all that great. Math is being a bugger, and the other EE subjects are so damn frustrating. (One isn't even supposed to be a concern for me, since I'm not in that field.) Ever so often there's a test or something, but there simply isn't enough opportunity to get to everything.
I'd need to work on my time-management or something, it's becoming a problem, sleep-deprivation and all.

General: It's hasn't been much better either. Still having issues with a friend of mine. Still feeling as lost and replaced as ever. I'm quite careful when it comes to getting attached to people, and I thought I could risk it this time, but it blew up in my face. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't killing me inside.
As for other things. My room is a mess, my computer is giving me issues and gathering dust, hard drives are failing and it's driving me against the wall. I haven't seen a friend outside of engineering in ages. This is an issue for me since more than half my engineering friends are boring, have no sense of humor and are too damn serious to actually have any fun around. I honestly can't tell a joke without getting some bland technical, humorless reply.

Art: Yeah, the bit everyone's really interested in. Kinda surprised I managed to draw those two drawings earlier the month. It was nice to finally draw something and finish it for a change. Wish I could do something like that more often. Have one drawing in my sketchbook that I would like to finish and upload. Dunno when that'll be.
Still haven't made much progress on either of the two commissions I got, and I feel really bad about that. I would like to finish them soon, but it's difficult to do so with the uncertainty regarding time. However, I refuse to touch any of the commission money before they're complete. (Excluding unforeseen emergencies)
I did consider carrying my Wacom with me to class, but it's difficult to keep setting it up each time. Besides, I rarely have any free time between classes, unlike last semester. Really wouldn't mind a Wacom Companion or something similar right now. >.>
Haven't been replying to and commenting on stuff as much as I used to anymore. My inboxes are full of submissions that I would like to fave and comment on, and there are a couple of replies I need to respond to. My Chrome is filled with tabs that I need to go through. Almost half of my RAM.

Electronics: Got a little good news here at least. Recently got some old boards from a telecoms installation. There are some really cool parts on 'em, including is awesome hexadecimal display. It has the size and shape of an IC, but is actually an LED array. It uses a 4-bit binary input, which goes through an on-board decoder system, and outputs a value between 0 and F. It operates on 5V, so I can use in on my Arduino board and EasyPIC5.
Also acquired some old vacuum tubes. Two ECC81s and a 6V6GT to be precise. They're all audio tubes, so I could possibly build a basic amplifier with them. It would be a really awesome project! Just have to do some research, figure out how they work and source the correct parts for an amp like that.

That's it really. Hope to not be as scarce, and actually get stuff done.
Lurigo, out!

Updates and stuff I guess


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