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A New Dilemma by JustNothing4321

Hey, guys. It's me again.
I wanted to keep ya'll in the loop with what I'm facing currently.

First off, I'm practically done with my job. Thank goodness. 17 days before I'm finished with Active Duty, and I only work 2 of those days. I'm also at the homestretch when it comes to my out-processing. My stress level has gone way down, as well. Whoo! :D
So now I'm currently facing another dilemma: A job opportunity. Through my Flight Chief, I was able to get a heads up on a job position that's opening soon. It's exactly the type of position I was going to search for when the time came. But here it is! It hasn't even been posted yet!
I really want this job. If I get it, it will solve all of my [upcoming] financial problems and wash away all of my worries. It will also give me the experience I need to get better positions in it's "career field", and get my foot in the door so that I can apply for jobs in the future wherever I end up.
Unfortunately, my original plan was to go with my Mate, cainocracy, to Florida in October. The decision was made because I didn't expect to have an opportunity like this (usually, when a job is posted it's either as a courtesy or because they're required to do so. The company has already found who they're looking for). If I get this job, I won't be able to join him. ): Also, if I get this job, it'll be the first time that he and I will be apart (and he'll be gone for 6 months). ;~; So this is gonna be rough. On the one hand, I'm really hoping I get the job. On the other, I want to go with Caine.
I know, I know.. There are jobs in Florida. But what happens if I can't get the job I'm looking for? Then we both come back and I'm still at square one 'cause I still have no experience for what I want here.

Long story short: Despite his worries (which I'm not gonna bring up), Caine is supporting my decision to get a job (Yei!). Whether I get it or not, we're both going to figure things out together when the time comes. As it stands, I'm hoping I get the job. Wish me luck!

~ BoKo

A New Dilemma


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