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"what's up?"


  1. went to bed a bit too late and have been groggy all day because of it
  2. The acolyte coordinators at my church have for the past few months been not communicating at all so I am informed of what is happening at literally the very last minute before it happens (acolyte = fancy person who wears pretty things and lights the candles at the altar and helps out with other things during a service)
  3. My church was like a sauna and I had to wear heavy robes
  4. My dad is in a VERY good mood today, which means that he becomes a child who pokes, prods, annoys, etc. me all that he can and when i tell him to stop, he whimpers and thinks it’s funny. And he does this in public. It causes a scene. And it makes me ready to slap him.
  5. My cat has been driving me nuts a lot recently by being EXTREMELY talkative and biting anyone who comes to my house
  6. My friend flaked out on me on plans we had together (which honestly I kind of expected but it’s still irritating)
  7. I feel pretty crappy about my art today
  8. I went to a macdonalds off in the distance to work on homework because it’s relatively quiet and there are other studying people and it has AC and it’s next to a Staples. So i went to the staples cuz i need stuff but tehn all that stuff made my backpack super heavy and i can’t get rid of anything and so I got really hot and the ac wasn’t quite enough
  9. Then I realized that I left my pencil at home so I now have no way of doing my work
  10. And then I tried calling my dad to ask him to bring it to me but he won’t pick up. He never picks up. Ever. He claims he doesn’t hear his phone which hey might be true but maybe you should fucking fix it. HMM WHAT A FUCKING CONCEPT. And so now I am stuck here without a pencil and with homework for three classes.
  11. And now my phone is dying.
  12. And I’m super tired but I can’t sleep until I finish this bullshit because otherwise I’m going to fail my classes. Again.

tl;dr: everything happened.


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  • Link

    well i can relate to all of this including #1#2#5#9(from when i was in high school)#10#11 and #12 it sucks. I know. But look for something that is calming and do that for 15 minutes that's what i did and i worked.

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      eeeeeeeeeeeakjsdgioulkjt thankye ;~; I'm doing a lot better today and found something to distract myself with yesterday. And my dad finally at one point brought the thing. So I did fine. Blah.

      • Link

        your very much welcome