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Might I have your opiniooons by DameFortune

Iiiii've decided to offer whole entire sketchbook commissions. I've seen a few artists do this and it's something I've been interested in for a long time, especially since I'm looking to get back into working more with traditional artwork. The art would vary from loose conceptual sketches of your character to full traditional ink, and/or watercolor pieces. Or really whatever I'd like to do while taking in mind the design and personality of your character. Kind of like one of those grab bags. And depending on the info the commissioner would give me, the cooler and more specifically tuned the drawings would be to the character. These of course would be long term commissions, and I would send plenty of pictures of the work in the mean time. I figure that since I'll be rather busy this year, doing this is a good way to do specific work of specific characters- work on my illustration and character design skills.

I'd only take two or maybe three of these at a time, and the sketchbook size would depend on your budget. Time it would take would depend on your sketchbook. Anyway, this is a sort of application of things needed if somebody was to order one. I really want to use this commission type to flesh out other people's characters, and have a lot of artwork done.

To be honest I doubt many people would purchase this sort of commission, but we shall see. Also, just because you send me a filled out application, does not mean I will be willing to accept right away. I might ask you to include more information, or create some. This is a very intense sort of undertaking, and I'll need to have some sort of interest in the character in order to want to do it. Think of it kind of like a tattoo- if the tattoo artist isn't interested in it, the less they care about what it looks like. If you're going to have this on you for the rest of your life, and have the artist work on the project for hours driving needles into your skin, you want the artist to do their best- which means they have to care about the project. It's how the majority of artists work. We can often churn out something we don't care about, but it doesn't have the pop or sizzle, and if it's a long project, you better believe you want some pop and sizzle. If you're going to purchase something of depth, you need to already have a certain amount of depth.

Anyway! Here's the first draft of the list. If you guys have any suggestions or questions, please please please ask! I need some critique on it.

Character Sketchbook Application

User Age: (optional, mandatory if under 18)
Your Budget: (minimum $50)
Character Name(s):
Character Age(s):
Character reference:
Any additional artwork of character:
Wardrobe specifics (If any):
Character Bio(s): (As much as possible. Links are acceptable, stories are acceptable, etc)
Any personality info:
Any "Must Haves":
Any "Do Not's":
Specific props?:
Any places they like to visit?:
Favorites list, all that apply:
*Time of Day:
*Movie/Television Show:

NSFW?: Yes/No
If yes, I will send you a NSFW info request form.

Insert my characters? ($10 off base price):
Insert my friend's characters? ($5 off base price):
Your friend's characters you'd like added (no additional cost):
Suggested deadline (within reason):
Additional information, questions, comments:

Might I have your opiniooons


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