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Update before August ends by CrypticSorrow

Greetings dearest followers. -tips hat and bows-

I am pleased to inform that, yesterday, completed writing up my graduation work and sent it over to a Spanish professor to check up the spelling, grammar and all that. What is left is only to prepare for the oral presentation and the minor/major edits that the work might have.

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for the most part I am back (you might have guessed after the recent works I have posted up not too long ago rofl).

Also want to mention up that during this month I went to an orthopedist to get my knee checked up since a few months ago I fell right on it and since then have been causing a bit of pain. Well at the end he gave me some meds to deal with it as first treatment to see if it gets better and he also checked up my wrists...he found I have a ganglion cyst over my left wrist that causes me pain when I touch or do certain moves. He explained me that there is no med to deal with that, only surgery so atm I am saving up to get that removed....

coughs And last....I want to thank all of you for the comments and favs to my works and ofc the follows! It was a very pleasant surprise to come and see I have reached 200+!! It really pushes me to create more art. (๑>ᴗ<๑) Wish I could do another small freebie giveawaything but I am not 100% free yet. So perhaps in the near future!

-bows deeply again- Thank you very much.


Update before August ends


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