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Dream diary #1: Unrealized Nightmare? by Kazekai

First, I will say dreams interest me and I find them enjoyable to experience and recall - when I can recall them, which doesn't happen as often in my adulthood as it did when I was younger, and sometimes, I have dreams I just want to tell other people about. This is one of them, I hope everyone finds it as amusing as I did.

So to start, I've been watching a lot of Bob Ross videos lately because I would like to study how to be more efficient at background or landscape painting, and I've found just by watching him and a few other people paint or charcoal sketch, I can absorb a lot of useful information that can be easily applied. (Hey you can laugh but that crazy mofo paints a finished picture in 30 minutes.)

The thing is, I finished 3 episodes last night and went to bed after, and then they intruded on my dreams. Do you have any idea how creepy it is to have Bob Ross invade your sleep? He didn't do anything though. I was learning to paint in a classroom and trying to do what he does, and throughout the dream he just stood there at a distance everywhere I went like Herobrine or something, smiling in that way he does, and nobody really cared, not even me. It wasn't until I woke up and thought about how creepy that actually was that I realized how amusing the entire situation was.

Oh, and while I'm on this train of thought, I made this in Scribblenauts today: He makes all kinds of beautiful things happen in your world, but don't spawn any cops or bad things start to happen.

Dream diary #1: Unrealized Nightmare?


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