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Commissions Staying Closed Longer Than Expected by VibrantEchoes

I'm back from my trip to visit Ravioko, which was a LOT of fun, but due to personal reasons related to said trip, I'm not feeling too well now, and probably won't be for a while. Drawing things that I myself don't feel like drawing is not going to help me improve my mood in the slightest, and at this point, I'm not sure I can focus on working on much of anything anyway. I won't say exactly what the problem is, but if people want to ask, I won't necessarily deny an answer. It's just not something that should be said publicly.

While commissions will be closed until further notice, I will still be doing YCH auctions every other weekend, including this one. I will take this opportunity to get more frequent work done on Brother to Brother, since I have an easier time doing that than commissions usually. I still have one remix commission that I will continue to work on (I've made good progress on it, so the buyer should not be worried about how long it's taking). I've also got quite a bit of work to do for a new shared YouTube channel that Ravioko and I are starting up soon. Borders for videos, thumbnails, a channel icon, a channel banner, endslates, editing videos, all that good stuff. So I definitely won't be bored.

As always, tips and donations towards the comic and just to me in general are greatly appreciated, but not necessary.

Commissions Staying Closed Longer Than Expected


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