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Streaming Prices and Rules by Kitsumi

Here is my pricing and payment information, please read carefully. I apologize for the fa links, I will try to update with weasyl counterparts soon.

$10 - Non-shaded digi sketches, single character :
$15 - Shaded digisketch, single character :
$20 - Shaded digisketch, single character, plus minimal backgrounds:

Adding color to existing sketch - these are usually done off stream, but if there's not much else going on I might work on one:

Base price plus:
+$15 (sketchy color)
+$25 (sketchy color but more layers)
+$45 (Controlled coloring, minimal to flat color )

New! $15 icons ! First to request one tonight can have it for $10!
New! $25 Draw in the style of: [insert favorite movie, genre, etc.] - These need to be pre-ordered so I have time to pull up references.

How To Pay/Order

Use google wallet! Send payment to


Sign up for square if you don't have an account here:

Once signed up, use this format in an email to send payment.
Change the subject line (e.g. $10, $35, etc) to whatever price amount you need to.
Once I reply, you can then email me your username, refs, details etc.

cc: cash[at]
Subject line: $10

I can't accept paypal anymore! They froze my account for no reason several years ago, and I am just kind of done with them. :P Square cash is really easy once you sign up, I promise. No need to log in, check boxes and all that rigamarole!

Stream Rules!
The rating of the stuff I draw is stuff you wouldn’t be embarrassed to show your coworkers or the general public, or what you’d see on normal tv. Just clean and fun for everyone! The music I play may or may not be censored depending on the source, I've been trying to weed out a few.

I’m open for $10-20 sketches at this time, these are usually the ones I work on in chat. Color is usually done offline unless it is a slow night. B&w doodles get priority, though often I will end a stream on a color piece. Sometimes I’ll do a doodle suggestion sesh where viewers can suggest fun stuff I can draw. Tips welcome!

I play music, no talking, if it’s hype machine it’s generally dance type upbeat music, if it’s pandora it’s a wild bag but will also include the annoying ads. Very sorry about that! Feel free to mute.

Stream rules:

Please be respectful of myself and others. If someone finds something objectionable, please be courteous and empathic, and change the subject. Play nice in the sandbox! I'm very sensitive emotionally to others, if I have to step in to smooth things over this really stresses me out and I deal with a level of stress currently IRL that has been ulcer inducing.

If you want to post a link there’s no need to ask me for permission, but describe briefly what the link is and if it is NSFW. If you have to think about if it is SFW, it probably isn't. Just err on the conservative side as a courtesy for everyone else.

See you soon! :3


Streaming Prices and Rules


Journal Information
