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Headworld Things by C.DemonMyst

(Repost from deviantArt)

--The Races--

The Things/????
-2 pairs of arms: larger, more muscular pair; small, thin pair
-short, medium legs
-one main mouth, secondary stomach mouth
-bipedal, can run on all 4s
-will be semi-open, ask to make or customs

ShB Thing/????
-medium length tails
-sharp teeth
-scales with fine, thin hair follicles on them(similar to otters)
-will be semi-open

Large Pawed Things
-medium/elf sized
-markings based off of felines
-may have manes
-fluff may be on elbows, ankles, wrist, ear tips, backs
-will be open

Draconic Thing/????
-multiple ears
-long tail
-2 forms
-horns a must
-will be semi-open sporadically

-long tails
-fur covered
-bipedal, digigrade
-long ears
-2 sexes primarily
-will be semi-open during intervals, closed at other times

Nagacentic Beings/????
-2 forms: flight and main
-cave dwellers
-avg length:9ft

  • 4 sexes; Can reproduce asexually if desired/no suitable studs -will be open

Various Creatures

-7 sub classes total
-several palettes, each connected with a sub class
-all based off various felines
-markings are reminiscent of classes
-5 sub classes will be open, other 2 either via Auction or Contest

Fluff Things(Concept#2)
-3 biome classes
-covered in fur
-retractable claws
-neck and tail fluff varies
-used by military
-will be semi-closed, obtainable during auctions, dtas, contests, customs(when applicable)

Reptilian Bull Things(Concept #3)
-4 tail variations, 3 tusk variations
-3 builds
-used primarily by military
-will be semi-closed, obtainable only through auctions and customs
(revamping body structure and anatomy)

Angelers D(Concept #4)
-3 biome, builds
-primary diet is fish, insects, and plants; eats meat only as a last resort
-multiple variations and traits
-will be closed, obtainable through periodic MYOs or auctions

Wisps(Concept #5)
-3 classes
-limited palettes
-1 class will be open
-betas(sub class 1) available through auctions or contest, other sub class will be closed(only one individual of the ult class)
(adding more flame variations)

Pearl Trackers(Concept #6)
-ref sheet, done
-will be closed, obtainable through customs or auctions
(revamping markings and colors)

?????(Concept #7)
-3 tail variations
-used by high ranking military officials
-"fluff" mutations
-a chimera of sorts
-will be closed; available only to those that meet certain requirements

Other Things
-humans can be found on the planet, though they stick to their own species
-a few "pet" creatures, though humans are the ones that view them as such primarily
-118 various plants
13, if ingested by humans, are lethal
6 actively try to kill majority of the inhabitants

-usually a representative(s) for each "group" of a race
-most humans considered "rats" or a "parasite"
-human oriented places hire protection
-survival rates vary but the highest survival rates go to ADs for creatures and The Things
-"autumn" is the longest season

Headworld Things


Journal Information
