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SL Photography Q&A by AriBunBun

So I got a Q&A for my SL Photography!

Q: How much do you charge for a picture?

A: Short version - I mostly work on tips, for the time being. I just like creating.
Long version - I'll only really consider charging if it's something MASSIVE.
Like the comic commission, I could have easily charged like $L3700 ($15) because that took 8~ish hours to photograph/plan/finalize (it's honestly, not 100% finished currently either!)

Q: Do you make your own poses?

A: Yes! 90% of the time, I do make my own poses! Most are based off of something I might see, or be inspired by (currently working on some 50's pin-up style poses). And if a client comes to me with an idea, I tend to brainstorm and see what develops. Plus I do a lot of 'client input' on the day of the shoot, if an arm should be in another pose, or a leg in a different angle, etc.

Q: What do you make your poses with?

A: I use a basic 'poser' in SL that allows me to move and shift my avatar around (and yours too!) There -are- some limits to the joints, which CAN be annoying at times, but it can sometimes be worked around.

Q: Do you Photoshop your images?

A: Short answer - Minimally, yes.
Long answer - I'm a stickler for 'naturalism' when it comes to my SL photos. 99.9% of my 'effects' are rendered entirely in SL. I don't use 'materials' just yet on my viewer (I don't have anything with materials that I use often, aka: mesh bodies) but when I can use them, I do! My PC's not really 'equipped' for keeping Ultra graphics for anything more than photos, and I'm proud that I can get my photos to look how they do.
The Photoshopping that I do frequently do are minor touch-ups of avatars (texture seams, softening fluff when it's there) editing out 'problems' (Hair clipping in places/bodyparts it shouldn't) and occasionally 'multi avatar'ing (Posing with multiple avatars and then just mashing the picture together in photoshop!)

Q: Can I get a picture with you?

A: Sure! Just please don't ask for adult-theme things with me if I don't offer it first.
Even then, it's just a photoshoot :P

Q: What do I get if I commission you?

A: I work in 3200x1676 resolution with my 'raw screenshots'. So when you commission me, you get a hi-resolution version of your final image(s), plus a smaller resolution that you can upload wherever you please.

Anything else, just ask! :D

SL Photography Q&A


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