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Why does this happen to me :( by Sammacha

This is about the third time this has happened to me today.
Earlier today I wrote a journal, a mid length and somewhat meaningful ( to me ) journal, only to have weasyl give me an error.
The opps thing
I push the go back button and all is lost.
Why doesn't it save what I have written? I think it hates me, it always does this when I have a something good to say :(
Then I have to re-type in a lazy way because I am annoyed or just forget it ( ive picked this more then once)

Does this happen to anyone else? Just me?
Damn, this error makes me want to just leave weasyl and find a new home sads

Why does this happen to me :(


Journal Information



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    Has always saved my text in these situations for me. :/ Could be the browser you're using. I also haven't seen this Oops error, though I've heard about it before. Regardless, I always always always write out anything even marginally important out in a text document. Always. It has saved me a lot of lost time over the years, you should try this if you haven't already.

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      Well I almost never write anything. Sometimes it saves it, sometimes it does not. Maybe its chrome, it doesn't like me either. I dont feel that I should have to type it in word first, it should just, work? Or maybe its a sign that I shouldnt post my questions or thoughts :U

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        It's just a safeguard is all, an extra step to protect my already limited time and resources; as I said, it has served me well. Things seem to not work when it's least convenient, it's just a fact of life. I'll test on Chrome tomorrow, my laptop only has Firefox.

        Also no it's not a sign, hush.

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          I dont have a program to type it on using this device. So if that has to be done, I can never post a journal again :O

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    sends sympathetic patting due to lack of words but presence of sympathy

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      Lol, thank you

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    copy everything before you post, if it gives error, simply go back, and paste everything back

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      I've done that before, but usually after its happened and I am re typing it. Its an after thought, don't feel like I should have to do it :/
      And thus reason I never do

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    Weird, I've never had that happen before. But like Rory said, it's always good to have it written out say in notepad or copy it before submitting. I don't do that as often as I should, but for anything big in length I will.

    But dang, 3 times. :(

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      Its just plain annoying really, and its an actual technical issue. I understand typing it elsewhere but really shouldn't have too.
      Lol I know! Its the last straw so I quit and want to know if it happens to other people.
      I also dont have anywhere else to type it, i guess my blog, but then I dont have a reason to post it here :/

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    From my experience, opera nearly always saves all the texts in such occasions, at least older versions do that I use (pre chrome merger).

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      Stupid chrome. lol.

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    I've had this happen to me more than a few times on different sites. So I now make it a habit to copy my text before clicking send or submit that way I can just paste whatever I wrote and try again.

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      Ok, well at least I am not the only person that this happens to. Frustrating ...

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        It is really frustrating. One of the only good updates that deviantart has put out this year was the auto saving journal entries..I think all websites should have this

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          I agree, they really should.

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    I just don't write anything with substance, that way I can't be sad if it deletes!

    In all seriousness, that does suck though, I have had it happen, but not on here.

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      Yeah thats true, I hardly ever right anything worth crying over, but damn, its just annoying when I do lol