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Almost Done Moving Rooms by Kura

Very sorry for the absence and lack of updates, but I have been without internet and a computer for a little over a week. I pretty much only had my phone to go online with to answer a few texts and skype messages. I know moving from room to room sounds like an easier task, but I was pretty much given storage rooms where everyone threw everything they didn't feel like dealing with or putting away, and I was not allowed to move it somewhere else or to another room. It all had to be gone through and out away. So. Yeah. It is taking a while.

Though I am not finished unpacking and setting everything up the Internet and computer are both set up so I can once again communicate and work on my drawings between unpacking. I ended up having to buy some furniture (still need some furniture) so I'll very likely be opening commissions again (once I finish the few that I already have scheduled) so that I can help pay that off. So keep an eye out for that if you are interested.

Some additional good news, is that my computer is not in a room. So I will hopefully be less stressed when trying to work as well I will be able to work on adult commissions more often, and hopefully I can get back to streaming more often.

Anyway, back to unpacking for me. Just though I would do an update on this since I was finally able to.

Almost Done Moving Rooms


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