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Hoooooly Schmidt. I hate my job. by Zielregen

So I had two days off in a row recently which is a rarity for me. I spent the first day in a coma which is typical for my days off, and I felt like I was extremely productive the second day. I was rested, I was happy, and I was ready to take on all the challenges ahead of me.

Then today happened. Not even halfway through my shift and already I am tired and sore and just all around burnt out. It's like I never realized how awful my job was because I was always exhausted and always burnt out. Now that I remember what it is like to enjoy life again, I realize how shitty this job really is. Worst of all as I look around I see that everyone around me is the same way. There's like this sense of ennui that has descended upon the entire staff. Everybody's exhausted. Everybody is overworked. Everbody hates their job.

I don't want to be here anymore. I need to do something else. Nobody should have to go through life feeling this awful. So! I need any advice anyone can give me. I have a basic college degree, but it is not useful for anything. (Bachelors of liberal arts) How do I get a decent job? Where do I even look? I cannot stay here much longer. It is ruining my health and my sanity.

Hoooooly Schmidt. I hate my job.


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  • Link

    where do you work?

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    bachelors of liberal arts........have you checked for jobs at a library, you could get a job as an assistant, you could work at a bookstore, you could get a job at a local coffee shop, you could get a job at a crafts store (think joann fabrics) you could also try finding a paid internship at a record repository, it would be a lot of office work there though, think books, art, or food services (on these try finding one that suits your personality) you could become a cashier at a pharmacy, there are a few where that degree works but not many kinds work for it so....yeah, that is actually one of the hardest degrees to find work for, for a reason too, other than journalism, magazines, and other forms of textual or visual arts there isn't much in this country for that degree, as a whole you might say America is culturally stunted, which is rather unfortunate really.

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      I think you have the wrong idea of what a liberal arts degree is.It's not actually a degree dealing with arts. My actual degree is in East Asian politics and economics with a minor on Japanese language. Still... I don't want to work in that field. -_-

      But yeah. Anywhere is better than Target at this point.

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        wow figures that the Illinois school system would mislead people with what the liberal arts was, in my schools they said it was things like writing, typing, and various other textual and visual arts, but then again the schools outside of Chicago have books from the 1890's as our main source of education........., I know friends who graduated with masters degrees, they can't get a job on that degree alone, they had to go into either business classes, or other things, just to end up in farming or education, or even worse a mcdonalds

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    I don't know how feasible it is, but if you wanted to go into writing, you can start self-publishing through Kindle or an indie book publisher. In terms of Furry publishers, there's also Sofawolf Press. And I'm not sure what your commission load is like or if you're working above minimum wage doing them (amount earned divided by the amount of time you put into commissions), but maybe you could increase your commission load to at least come near what you're making at Target? I know that's hard to do as a writer though. Bleh, I'm probably not being helpful.

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      I am actually looking at self publishing, and my commission load is acceptable at the moment. The amount I make depends on the commission. Some of em I make bank and others are slow, painful slogs that I don't make near enough on.

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        Do you think you could ever make commissions a full-time job if you raised your rates a bit?

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          Eh. Not unless I raised my rates a bit, like it'd have to be enough to support my own place because I need a legit job to get the parental off my back and keep them from getting suspicious. I will never tell them I write porn for money hehe.

          The other downside to making comms my full time job is it further detracts from my time for personal work. I want to still keep time to write my own stories.

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            Well, I think your writing is worth the raised rates personally. And I can totally understand that. It's not like I tell my parents I blow a ton of my money on getting myself drawn with giant penises >:T; That and pizza.

            And doesn't your job sorta distract you too though? Also, whenever I get back from working, I always feel drained and unmotivated to do anything. But then again, writing all day for comms could cause you to become unmotivated too. xwx