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Eurofurence 2014 Meme by Sybrant

Where are you staying?
In the Estrel itself :D

What day are you getting there?
Tuesday, probably in the afternoon.

Who will you be with?
My partner Lutis

Who will you hang out with during the convention?
Probably same as above, I barely know anyone in the fandom. :c

Are there any panels you might be attending?
The schedule's not up yet so I can't say anything for certain, but I'm likely to go to a few. And will definitely be at the opening ceremony, the dance comp, the Pawpet show and any other big events (my mind's gone blank!)

Will you be suiting?
Yup! I'll be in my new Sybrant full suit~ Look for the white dog with one turquoise arm, and possibly a red dog harness~

Do you do free art?
I'd love to do free sketches at the con, so if you spot me please ask! It makes me feel good when people like my art enough to want some c:

What is your gender?
Hnnnng next question plz

How tall are you?
172 cm. It's a European con so none of this imperial nonsense here (I don't actually know my height in imperial. Maybe 5'7 or 5'8 ish?)

Are you taken? Are you looking for a 'mate'?
I'm taken, and not looking

Can I talk to you?
Sure, though I find it really difficult to chat sometimes. It doesn't mean I don't want to talk I'm just a nervous wreck :P I'm a native English speaker, and I'm ok-ish with German (I can understand it very well, but my spoken German tends to be a grammatical mess sometimes...).

Can I touch you?
Ehhhhhh... Rather you didn't unless it was invited by me for a hug or something.

How can I find you?
I'll probably try to be on the Tweeters during the con. I am @sybrantpup, just drop me a message or however that blasted network works. I don't use Twitter much, but it's very useful for events like cons. In terms of spotting me as a person though, look for the weirdo with the (usually blue) check shirts, white and red yarn tail (or huge fursuit tail, I swear to god it's floor length you couldn't miss me if I had it on) and probably no shoes. I'll have badges on me too.

Can I visit your room?
Probably not, no. But if we become friends you can knock for me if you can't get in contact me, I might be asleep or watching EF Prime.

Can I buy you drinks?
I don't drink alcohol or fizzy drinks, so you probably won't get very far with that! I may be open to trying Eurofurence Green ("Eurofurence Green is fursuiters!") in the Fursuit Lounge again though. But iirc, last year I didn't like it much.

Can I give you stuff?
Sure? I'm not sure what you'd want to give me...?

Can I hug or snuggle with you?
Uhmn, maybe. I sometimes do hugs.

Are you nice?
I try to be!

How long are you going?
I'll be at EF from Tuesday afternoon until Sunday late morning/lunchtime, if I remember my flight times correctly.

Do you have an artist table?

Do you have prints/CDs?
Nuh uh.

Will you have art in the Art Show? General or Adult Section?
Nope, I'm not a good enough artist for that :P

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Well the usual methods that work are a two-tone whistle or calling "Pup!", but at a fur con that'll just make everyone in the vicinity turn around! So calling my name, preferably accompanied by an enthusiastic waving of arms so I can work out who called me, will probably be the best way to get my attention.

Where will you be most of the time during the days?
I'm not sure yet. I like to wander about, and I'll go to some panels for sure.

What/where will you be eating?
Probably mostly eating out of Edeka/other nearby supermarkets. But I'm also planning to explore some of the vegetarian/vegan restaurants in the area - apparently there's a vegan creperie just down the road :3

Can I come with you for fun/food/etc.?
Probably yeah :)

Will you have a sketchbook?
Is this a thing? I am totally going to buy (yet another) sketchbook to take with me~

Can I draw in your sketchbook?
Yes if I have one! I love getting arts!

Anything else I should know?
Sorry for some of my weird answers, I have anxiety issues. In the same vein, if you see me freaking out in a corner, just give me a wide berth please, I'll probably calm down in a few minutes as long as I don't get crowded.

Eurofurence 2014 Meme


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