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100 Themes Requests by RysdanKyu

I did a journal like this on dA, and now I'm opening it up on Weasyl as well. I'm taking requests for the 100 themes. My goal is to get all the remaining themes done by the time I go to England. As I finish a theme, I will remove it from the list below. If a theme has been taken, I will place a symbol next to the theme. Once it's completed, I'll remove that theme from the list completely.

If you would like a request, please follow these steps! You do not need to ask if you can have one.

Step 1: Pick a theme from the list below.
Step 2: Find a character you would like me to draw (please no more than 2 characters per theme).
Colored refs are required! I will not work with descriptions!
Step 3: Submit the information in a comment or a note with the information.
Optional step 4: Provide a quote, song, or an idea what specifically you'd like to see in the picture with the theme.

Keep in mind, this is not first come first serve. If you leave a comment with a theme and then someone else leaves a comment with the same theme, I could pick them. It all depends on what you give me idea wise.

The available themes listed at the bottom of the journal.

There is no limit on how many requests you can make. However, please no more than 2 characters per theme and do not leave a comment with a character reference and then say "any theme." Any comments like that will be ignored.

What I will not draw:
1. Age regression
3. People
4. Ponies
5. Baby furs/diaper furs

I typically do not draw anthros. I prefer ferals

I think I covered everything. If you have any questions, though, feel free to ask them.

Available themes:
None! Thank you everyone! All themes will be posted by the 11th!

100 Themes Requests


Journal Information



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    some themes are already missing, are they already done or you could not think of one for everything?

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    Could I have last hope?

    Optional song

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      Oh my goodness D: I forgot I had posted this journal on here. Unfortunately, Last Hope was already claimed. ;;' Sorry about that!
      I am more than happy to do a request for you, though. The journal has been updated so you may pick a remaining theme or I can just do a regular request for you. c:

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          Sure thing! : ) I will link you when it's finished!