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Megaplex 2014 Review by Leilia

Had a really nice time at Megaplex this weekend. Got to see some old friends, and make some new ones! I did not do as well as I was hoping in the Artist Alley, but did make some connections and hopefully got some interest in custom sculptures. Overall the convention was great, with generally friendly con goers, and of course lots of fun fursuiters. ;) A HUGE thank you to anyone who stopped by my table yesterday! Also a shoutout to Kitsune Rei( ) for being an awesome artist alley table buddy. :D I have some photos from the con posted to my Twitter( ) and Instagram( ) for anyone that is interested.

My one and only complaint was how the Artist Alley was run. I have been to Megaplex for the past four years, and every year I hope they will work on fixing up the AA, but it never seems to happen. It was very disorganized, and had absolutely no staff moderation that I saw. The tables are first come first serve, but are supposed to be used for artists only. However during my time in the AA, I witnessed multiple people using the tables to just hang out at and generally take up space with no intention to sell art. Maybe this doesn’t seem so terrible, except that there was very limited space as it was, and I saw many occasions where an actual artist was trying to find space to set up but were unable to due to the amount of other people just hanging around. Also the generally rude and inconsiderate behavior of several individuals was very off putting. For the most part the artists I shared space with were very lovely, so a little bit of staff intervention for the rude individuals would have made it a much nicer experience.

Also, why, why why do they continue to use round tables instead of traditional rectangular ones?? Those tables are terrible for setting up displays and being able to be seen by potential customers. I have heard complaints about the tables every year I go, but still I continue to find those blasted round tables in the AA every year!

Regardless, I absolutely plan on getting a dealer’s table next year, just to avoid all the stress of the artist alley.

Megaplex 2014 Review


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