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Know Your Artist: Rhazafax! [Meme] by Rhazafax

Name: Rhazafax
Nickname: Rhaz [Former Alias: Bricket]
Location: Nebraska
Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Any pets: 2 Male Cats [Al and Nero]
Favorite thing about yourself: I'm a kick ass swimmer.
Worst habit: Not drinking enough damn water.
Fun fact: I survived breaking my neck when I was 16 years old.

Identity, Sexuality & Personality..........................................................
Gender identity: Not-Overly-Feminine Female
Sexual preference: Demisexual
Romantic preference: Monogamous
"Kinsey Scale" score: I have no damn idea haha
Relationship status: Marrrrrrried
Myers/Briggs type: INFP
Hogwarts house: Derpy quizzes say either Hufflepuff or Slytherin

"Early Bird" or "Night Owl": Switch!
Bath or shower: Shower. Baths are too small for swimming.
First thought in the morning: Ugh god what time is it
Last thought before falling asleep at night: Time to roll over and hug husbando

Do you work or are you a student: Free-lance artist for hire. Hi.
What do you do well: Art, swimming, writing, RP'ing, daydreaming
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: I.. wow, no idea, haha! I hope I'm having fun, though!

Habits (Do you…?)..........................................................
Drink: VERY rarely - don't much like alcohol. Exceptions? Hard Ciders and Kelp Beer.
Smoke: VERY rarely, and not cigarettes (Amsterdam plx)
Do Drugs: Caffeine!
Exercise: Monday through Friday I do Yoga! Will be adding more swimming, too!
Have a go-to comfort food: Spagettios with meatballs, right out of the can, fuck heating it.
Have a nervous habit: Rambling too much when I'm anxious.

What is your favorite…?..........................................................
Physical quality (in yourself): Endurance - I endure, damnit.
In Others: I really like when I can see people's emotion on their faces! Unreadable people make me wary.
Mental/emotional quality (in yourself): Random acts of world-building in my head.
Food: Fruits, veggies, STEAK, FISH
Drink: Dark roast coffee, tea, smoothies
Animal: Cats, owls, dargonz
Artist/Band/Group: Many to name, but constant favoris is the Little River Band, Lady Gaga, Amon Amarth
Author/Poet: Eesh, this is harder than the other list! So many!
TV Show: MLP, Orange is the New Black, West Wing, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek (pretty much all of them)
Actor/Actress: John de Lancie
Blogger: I'm a slow reader, so I don't tend to read blogs!

Know Your Artist: Rhazafax! [Meme]


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