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Know Your Artist Meme by farorenightclaw

Seen this going around, thought I'd fill it out.

Name: Kit
Nickname: Kitty, Kitten, Farore, Kittybot, Robot, Kit10, lots of silly things Cassio likes to call me
Location: San Jose, CA
Age: 27
Height: 5'4"
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Any pets: A Korat cat named Socrates (female)
Favorite thing about yourself: I'm a good friend
Worst habit: picking at/biting my fingers and lips
Fun fact: I have bipolar II.

Identity, Sexuality & Personality

Gender identity: Masculine agender
Sexual preference: Demisexual
Romantic preference: Panromantic & polyamorous
"Kinsey Scale" score: nope
Relationship status: engaged to cassiobunny, life partners with hailbop
Myers/Briggs type: IN something something
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff


"Early Bird" or "Night Owl": both
Bath or shower: shower most of the time
First thought in the morning: Where's Cassio? I want a hug. (She usually gets up 15 minutes - half an hour before me)

Last thought before falling asleep at night: Usually what I'm going to draw tomorrow.


Do you work or are you a student: I work as a freelance artist
What do you do well: Lots of things! Art, cooking, reading, remembering random facts, knowing stuff about animals, Katamari games, taking care of my friends, etc
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Married to Cassio with Hale living nearby, transitioned, doing more pet site work and maybe some big-name company contracts

Habits (Do you…?)

Drink: Occasionally and not to excess
Smoke: Yes, and vape
Do Drugs: Alcohol and nicotine and caffeine are all drugs.
Exercise: When I remember to.
Have a go-to comfort food: cake or ice cream or sushi
Have a nervous habit: biting the inside of my cheek/lips

What is your favorite…?

Physical quality (in yourself): Central heterochromia and my cute tum.
In Others: Lots of things, but being demi I don't find any of them sexually appealing. Most people have something about them I find aesthetically appealing though.
Mental/emotional quality (in yourself): I'm kind, good-hearted and loving. I'm also extremely self-aware.
Food: sushi, country-fried steak with gravy, poutine, cake, ice cream, lychee anything
Drink: coke cherry zero, lychee juice
Animal: tigers, crocodiles and bumblebees in no particular order
Artist/Band/Group: a lot
Author/Poet: a lot
TV Show: House of Cards, Game of Thrones, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Bob's Burgers, Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown, lots more
Actor/Actress: don't have one
Blogger: Sady Fuckin' Doyle, a bunch of others that I can't recall off the top of my head

That's about me in a very big nutshell!

Know Your Artist Meme


Journal Information



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    We have the same bad habits.

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      IT'S CALLED DERMATOPHAGIA 8D and dermatillomania. ISN'T IT FUN

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        I didn't know it had names. I used to be a chronic nail biter (now they're all a bit fucked) Then I moved onto the skin around them and lips and cheeks :\

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          Yeah, it's an anxiety-related thing they think. It's a compulsion.

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        I had no idea other people did this or that it had a name! I mean... I probably should have, but... you know. Augh.

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    I didn't know your name was Kit! Or that you had an SO named Cassio. I'm so out of touch with you! Gosh. All the best to you. <3