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Stuff For Sale + Art Update by Rezorian

Alright, I'll make this one quick...well I mean I'll try to but you know how good I usually am with that!

Anyway, sale stuff first.

Selling Some Things

I won't bore you with why (Hint - I Like Money And It Doesn't Like Me. That Must Change!), but I'm going to be putting up a bunch of stuff on Ebay soon. They will mostly be unopened Gundam models with a collector's edition game or two on there to keep it interesting.

Anyone who knows me should know that I am a big Gundam fan but with how little time I have at work these days and how many never started models I have, things just aren't going to add up. So, sadly, out some of them go. Expect a mix of Master Grade, Perfect Grade and Chibi, i.e. SD or "Super Deformed," models from various series.

Now it should be said here that I am not going to list some of them for sale due to my desire to actually build a couple that I really want to. Every other one though is up for grabs. Expect this journal to be updated, or possibly reposted, when I have all the auctions links on hand.

In case you're curious about the game that "m going to list, it's Drakengard 3 for the PS3 and it's the edition that you could only get by pre-ordering from square enix's site. I actually have two of them since one was going to be a gift but he said he didn't want it and I can make more selling it than by returning it.

Moving on from shameless promotion

Art Update

This section is going to sound odd from me because I don't offer praise often. Listen well though.

So, as you may or may not have noticed, farorenightclaw farorenightclaw is a great artist. But what you may not know is that they have the patience of a saint. Follow along with me and learn more than you probably want to (Don't worry, it's not going to get vulgar just...kind of pathetic on my part I guess).

Anyway - Farore opened for Palette Commissions and I decided to snag two of them. They'll be coming soon but that's not the point here. I bring this up because they opened up for a donation drive not long after. So I decided to get in on that too.

Here's where things get sad on my part. As I've mentioned before, I want to learn to draw. I bought many books, looked into many seminars and considered classes multiple times. I have very, very little to show for it besides an amazingly bruised ego, because I haven't been drawing much, and anger issues, because in addition to not drawing often I get mad at myself for not drawing.

This is where Farore's patience and possible sainthood come in. Unbeknownst to me, and my spell checker because we both couldn't spell unbeknownst right on the first try, this same artist offered a free art class. Why did they do that? Because they are awesome that's why!

The youtube link to that class is HERE

On top of that, Farore also recommended CtrlPaint, a site devoted to digital art tutorials and theory.

So that covers why they're cool. So why the patience part? That comes back to me being sad again...

Like most humans, I make a lot of excuses. "I don't know where to start" is a common one. It's buddy "I'll never be as good as them" likes to pop in as well. It actually showed up recently when I first watched Farore stream. Something about how quick they could make a picture form just pissed me off and, as you should know, that is NOT the way to learn something.

Anger, especially mine, is a dangerous thing and I should have seen things a different way. I should have seen the stream as a way to watch how an artist likes to work Not see it as how I, personally, should work. This is an artist who has been doing this for some time now. Making mistakes, seeing different things and fixing them.

What have I been doing? Getting mad at a screen name basically. Forming my own perceived inadequacies into a shape I could get mad at: any artist in this case, not Farore specifically.

What did this accomplish? Nothing. They kept doing what they do as always, I kept sitting here and trying to just project 'Hate' onto a sheet of paper and hope it becomes art. Even your most vile vent art isn't made that way. It was nothing more than lost focus, a point in time when any ability I had or could have developed was surrounded by anger that couldn't even hold a pencil, let alone make something useful with it.

"So...what were they so patient about Rez?" is what you may be asking. Ah forgive me, I went on a rambling spree again.

In a more recent stream, when I could partially see through my pointless anger, I mentioned that I was going to draw that night and then knew it wasn't going to happen. Farore replied by asking if I was tired. I then went into excuse mode. "I have no earthly idea what I'm doing" was my reply.

The response? That link to Ctrl Paint up there and a re mention of the art class they did.

The ability to put up with someone in such a way deserves recognition. This journal was, originally, going to be about the scant few drawings I've done lately and the things I was going to sell as already mentioned above. With a few simple words and a link or two an artist I respect made something very clear:

Stop Making Excuses. Draw.

They didn't say it like that, but the message is still there. Excuses make nothing, actions make everything. Had I seen it before, had I noticed it years back, I could have been taking commissions of my own by now.

So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go doodle something. What? Hell if I know, let's just see where this goes.

Oh and also, I lied earlier. This journal was not quick.

Stuff For Sale + Art Update


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  • Link

    Awh! I'm glad I helped you out. You're a sweetheart for saying such nice things about me, aaaa! blush

    • Link

      You deserve every bit of praise you saint of patience you! Thanks again for the help and words of wisdom!