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Finally situated! by AubeDragonArts


Just finished setting my profile up; now it's all neat and tidy. Feels good to have a handle on things!

I suppose I should do a kind of introduction of sorts, for anyone who read these sorts of things.
As you have probably guessed, I'm Aube. Hi. I love appreciating art and making it. I love stupid jokes. I love music. I love writing. Those are the top things on the list of things I love, but above all those I love sharing those things with people.
Going along with the stupid jokes thing, if someone suggests a hilarious or adorably silly scenario involving my character(s), there is a 80% chance I will actually draw it.
See: buttcrack.

My goal is to upload at least one visual art submission every day, be it some form of fanart or OC-related. I have a lot of difficulty with motivation and self-esteem with my work sometimes, but I am determined to better myself however I can!

Frick yeah, confidence!!

While visual art is going to be the main focus of what I post here (as well as what I'll be trying to sell), I'll also post some writing from time to time. Also, I will not be posting ANY more older work; only new things to be found here. If you want to see my older stuff, my deviantART and FurAffinity accounts will have links to them on my profile, as well as my art blog on tumblr.
(I'll double-check that once I post this.)
In addition to the arts and the wordy-things, I might actually make some attempts at providing voice-acting samples for characters, or even song covers, if my current equipment and workload will adequately allow that. Lots of plans for exciting stuff that I honestly intend on getting around to actually doing! haha!

All this being said, if you ever want to chat, just send me a message, or even ask for my Steam or Skype. I like to meet new people (even though I can be incredibly awkward and sometimes run out of things to say) and I strive not be rude or abrasive to those I don't know. I also really like to share stuff with others, and even if I don't know anything about you other than your username and you made a thing or you played a neat game or found a neat story or anything else you're really excited about, PLEASE!! Share it with me! I love it when people share stuff they're excited about. :D

That's probably enough from me for now. See you all around!


Finally situated!


Journal Information
