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Lots of dead here by Evil.Boy

:< boo.

What're your favourite horror movies/games?

Lots of dead here


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    Movies: The Thing, Jacob's Ladder, Eraserhead (not really horror, just disturbing), the Halloween series, The Shining (original Kubrick movie), and probably dozens of stupid B-movies that are so numerous and alike that I can't remember their titles. There are also some movies that are generally stupid, but contain certain scenes that make them disturbing, such as The Brood, The Gate, and the Swedish movie Kjällaren (The Basement).

    Games: Silent Hill 2-4, Dead Space 1-3, Resident Evil 1-4, the Penumbra series, Holy Magic Century / Quest 64 (not a horror game, but the feeling you get of being entirely alone combined with disturbing music makes it an unsettling experience), the Fatal Frame series, (possibly) Sanitarium and also the CD-i Zelda games because they are so horrible it's scary.

    It depends what your definition of scary is, I suppose. Most of the stuff I play or watch that I am genuinely disturbed by involves little to no jumpscares or gore, unsettling music and so on. I also get freaked out by games with old graphics sometimes, like LSD Dream Simulator or the first Alone in the Dark game. I guess it's the whole uncanny valley thing going on.


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      aaah @ o @ The Thing was awesome! I personally still struggle with Jacob's Ladder, fakin twitchin heads D8 though I haven't heard of those last three, I often get skeptical of a lot of recent horror movies since they do rely too heavy on jumpscares or high tense music (e.g Insidious).

      though with the Silent Hill series, I do recommend Shattered Memories. its a very different take on the Silent Hills series, with the snow and ice theme and all... and you cannot attack, only run. things you also look at or take pictures of determines the kind of monsters and ending you get. obviously it only goes so far because it is a game.. I know you can get it on ps2 now, not only wii. Penumbra! heard this a few times now.. and googling it. it seems to deem a play!

      ughguh LSD Dream Simulator is so freaky, I agree.. older games with glitchy or polygon like graphics are really creepy, I wish I could remember the title of this game. it involved moving and fixing cubes along a sort of conveyor belt, if you messed up the whole thing would fall into a dark nothingness.. the music to it too added a sort of uneasiness, I do know it was a ps1 game though!

      I guess the things I find personally scary is, well yes uncanny valley! creepy or 'off' graphics, but also disturbed people that are portrayed in games/movies..I found this especially with characters from Outlast: Whistle Blower and also Amanada in Rule of Rose. I know in reality a lot of games are supposed to have disturbed characters, but it usually heavy focuses on how they murder/torture people without showing you anything else..

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    Kubricks the shining, inland empire, antichrist, silence of the lambs, possession, the exorcist, rosemarys baby, psycho, the omen...I could go on ♡ I also like horror tv like Hannibal and as cheesy as it is I enjoy American horror story, lol. N I dont play a lot of games so I cant comment there.

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      ooooo a few movies I haven't heard of! oh man the Antichrist freaked me out for a good while, I think because of the way it was filmed? its very artsy and also symbolic. especially the scenes with the animals and stars. I think The Omen deserves a mention too with the lady on the roof openly saying "It's all for you Damien!" in a cheery manner. quite disturbing!

      still need to venture into those tv series, especially Hannibal! and I have heard some good things on American Horror Story too.

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        I love antichrist. Lars von trier is a great director. ;-; n yes that scene may be my favorite!

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    Pontypool is a fun horror movie, complete with Canadian zombies! Also Children Of Men, Dreamcatcher, and The Fly.

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      canadian zambies?! 8D I need to watch this! i'll also have to see Dreamcatcher too, never heard of that title.

      also I loveee Children Of Men so much, especially with the cinematography * u *! the plot and ugh <3
      the Fly, god. HELPP MEEEHH~!! I will be forever scared of that movie hahaha

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    It's not really a horror game- Binding of Isaac
    It enlightened me briefly. There was some add-on to it (PC) that enabled a series of levels to be beat/more items and whathaveyouu.
    Otherwise.. the other games I was thinkin have been mentioned :C
    Hm. I haven't watched movies as of late- I read the Dreamcatcher book- I think the film would be pretty stellar.
    If my mind allows me to remember things, I shall return with better content :'D