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Im BAACk by Daigo


From AC that is. Wooot. Now time to get back to work and do stuff. I owe.

Anthrocon , for me , is both a great con and simultaneously the worst con. Now before anyone jumps on me about the worst con part, its not the worst is the sense that everything is just horrible or the staff are bad and the hotels are shitty. No no. Its basically personal. The con is always great simply for its sheer scope and how big it is. Sooo many people to meet and see. Soo many things you can do and places to check out. its pretty amazing to see…when there isnt a shit ton construction in the way. I got to meet so many people i havent seen for the longest time and i got to chat and chill with some of them.

Though on the other side of the coin, whenever I go to Anthrocon , I feel like its the most gruesome tug of war ever! I hate this! granted its mainly my fault for never really having control of a room of my own. Basically with the amount of people you meet and see….you want to chill with them. Everyone one (mostly anyway) has their own little group and they want YOU to join them…but you can’t. It makes me feel horrible when I cant just be like “hell yeah ill chill with you” when someone else is pull me in the other direction. and it happens constantly. I love meeting people and getting to know them. Its just harder at anthrocon than anywhere else it seems. I get frustrated when that happens…and it happens a lot.



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  • Link

    I want to play tug-o-Daigo D: X3

  • Link

    I definitely know the feeling, yeah. :x I've had a lot more fun at other cons that weren't so big. AC definitely has its own vibe, and like you say, it can be pretty taxing. Hopefully it was good overall though. :>

  • Link

    To your Tug-o-war comment;

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I get so wrapped up in running around and trying to see everyone i never really get that chill time with all these awesome people! That's why I have decided to slowly fly all my frands out here to Bermy a couple at a time. Just to get to relax for a week and hang out!

    So yeah, glad you had a good time? I am looking forward to seeing you at FAU:7 good sir! just hit my journal if there are any questions.

    you are awesome! :D

  • Link

    Just clone yourself. I don't see what the big deal is, just make another one of you.

  • Link

    Yeah, you always wish you could just get everyone together in the same spot. If I go again I need to room with someone that goes to bed by midnight or so, so I can actually get up in time for things. Also less walking. I'm still crossing fingers for teleportation for next year.

  • Link

    I feel like Anthrocon needs to actually be longer because there almost LITERALLY IS NO TIME to hang with all the people

  • Link

    I know how you feel. So many social obligations all at one time and so many places I want to be, people I want to be with, and there just isn't enough time or enough of me to do it all. Even with my own room it is no easier. AC is just too big to be wholly social at. So I fell ya man. Can't wait for MFF though!

  • Link

    I know this feeling. even with only a small handful of folks that TRULY matter to me, it's hard to keep up with them at any con, and I get that tug-o-war feeling.

  • Link

    Welcome back!