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Commission Policy by theblackrook

The Way This Works

Myself and Lavenderpandy sketch by committee. Either she or myself comes up with the initial sketch, it is reviewed and then red-lined until we are both happy with the end results. Sometimes her strengths or her core style may come through, this is mostly evident on soft shade pictures due the nature of her shading. Sometimes my strengths or core style will come through, this is mostly on anything vector inked as during this process I am judge, jury and executioner and make changes to the final based on my aesthetic that sometimes leans closer to what I personally like. In the end all images are decided on by both of us and what we both find to be the best aesthetic for the customer. At any time if you feel something is leaning one way or the other, you can ask to see a little more of the others take, we'll save a progress version and do that for you. It's no biggie, if you are not happy and were expecting a little difference we can address your grievances even after a completed piece. Just be reasonable.

Reference Policy

If you do not have a visual reference, a definitive visual reference for your character I'm not taking a commission from you. I don't want to work from your fucking written description. And if you got a specific pose in mind, serious if I have to work to find or do what you want there will be an additional charge to your commission. I'm not playing.

Donations Policy paypal

Starting now anyone who donates 5 dollars or more to me will get there name on a list. This list will be put in a hat and one person will get a full collar collab commission, two characters. This will be done every other month, for every 5 dollars an extra name goes in. This is sort of like a raffle, but it's just a bit of fun to be had when people donate. I've had people donate in the past and its hard to come up with a proper way to reward them all. I'd like one day to do something more conclusive, but for now this will have to do. If you donate to me you win a chance of winning free art, it's just 5 bucks and it's less than you spend to wipe your ass each month. The cycle renews every time a winner is announced. There is no limitations on this either, if only one person donates in a two months span, I'm giving them a 2 character full color collab for 5 bucks.

Long Terms Policy

If I owe you work for a long time, over 6 months; you have the right to demand a refund for all work that hasn't been done. If you've already seen a sketch, you will be repaid the difference from whats not done. If you spent 90 on a commission and been inked and you've waited for too long, you will receive back 1/3 of what you spent as 2 of the 3 step process is completed. I will no longer be doing, additional gifts, extra work or upgrades to commissions. People haven't appreciated the extra work that has been done fore them and now I am no longer doing shit extra.

VIP Policy

Commissioners who either have multiple good standing commissioning experiences or those who are just fucking super awesome and I will let you know if you are or not, you are a VIP. You will be alerted personally a week before projects, commissions and other opportunities open up.

Request Policy

I do request, I certainly do. Especially involving my characters or characters I think are awesome. I only take request when I don't have commissions on my queue and I would only take on a month. The idea has to blow me away, or the character has to be so adorable I can't stand not drawing them. I do not take request from other artist. Artist can inquire about trades but it's slim pickings there.

'Sweating Me' Policy

Asking me about your commission is fine. Sweating me about your commission is not. You will be warned when you are 'sweating me'. Persist and I will refund you your money and that's that. If you get refunded for sweating you will not be allowed to commission with me again. Seriously, I ain't on that shit.

The Shit List

You've been very very bad commissioner. The shit list means though you paid, your general work experience has been so foul that I do not want to have anything to do with you again. I don't care if your paying double and triple I ain't dealing with peoples bullshit.

What I Owe Policy

I am always, always available to talk about what the fuck I owe you. My IM, Skype, E-mail and all that. You can find me, I ain't no where hiding. It is not your job to hunt me down for a job I know how to do, so I wont be upset if you ask me about where your work is and status. What I will mind is passive aggressive public stunts. Writing shit about your commission or stuff in images, shouts, journals and what in a subtle attempt to bring public attention to your wait, especially if you feel your waiting and something new will make you wait longer. Listen, any attempt at this kind of shit will get you refunded, 1/2 of what you spent will be refunded for this... do not do this. This is fucking annoying. Listen, ask around if I feel I've owed you something for too long I will actively seek ways to make it up to you and I will talk to you about it. But don't try to poison the pot.

Trade Policy

It probably ain't gonna happen. I really, really, really got to trust you. Screw liking your work, You got to be trustworthy.

Platinum Commissioners.









---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Shit List---


Generally being condescending and unpleasant to work with. Outside of his many, many request for changes and zero margin for creativity or freedom in pieces. He is on this list for just being a generally unpleasant commissioner to speak to. Etheras pays well and despite demanding excellence for every copper penny, he can be financially rewarding to work with so I will not ward or warn anyone off of working with him who needs the money. I suggest you bring a bucket of patience and a thick skin. I personally do not have time to deal with his personality anymore.

Commission Policy


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