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I've no titles to copy-paste, bah by DeRiften

Copy-pasting a bunch of Skype messages since I just spent way too much time on one fight in The Last Remnant and I'm too tired to bother organizing it, so beware for a confusing bunch of text!

Whew, didn't receive a new AI project and the analysis spoken presentation's taken care off, I'm all good this weekend! You know what's funny? For a few weeks, the brand of cereals I use has this promotion where you can get a free grocery bag (really good quality too) and 15$ worth of coupons for that brand if you enter two pin codes.

My grocery bags are so used they're falling apart and have holes in them so I like that promotion, since I get a cereal box from them every week. Just entered the pin codes for my 2nd bag :P. The 15$ coupons will be nice too, basically pays back for the cereal boxes, and then more.

I got praised for my leadership skills today, feels awesome o:. Well, I basically managed to make the worst team possible get the project done in the best way and in the fastest time. One member has attention deficit so severe he literally can't listen in class or hold a conversation, but he's an extremely fast learner when it comes to practical stuff. Another member is the autistic guy who doesn't get the point of teamwork and usually does everything alone. Another member was in the team only because he missed the class where he could choose teams, so he was automatically assigned to the "leftovers team", and he was no motivation whatsoever and just wants to get everything done as fast as possible and be done with it.

I took into account their strenghts and weaknesses and handed out the work equally to get the best results, while still being strict enough to get it done but nice enough for them to keep accepting me as the project leader. I might end up as lead programmer, that'd be neat since they're the ones with the six numbers paychecks o:.

I prefer to be a follower since I'm lazy but if the leader sucks (or is inexistant in that case), I'll take the reins and lead the team to victory :P. Plus I work hard 'cause it looks well on a linkedn and resume and you can't mess with your future. I learned my lesson well :P. I'm very naturally gifted so in highschool, I never had to study and kept getting 90% and 100% in everything so I've grown to not do anything and still pass, so when I hit college that carried on and sure enough, the first semesters went well but as it got harder, I still took my success for granted and as a result my grades kept getting lowered till I finally failed, and what happened was a nice lil' two years break to think about it so now I work hard even if it's easy, and THEN I get lazy again o:

I just managed to hit a golem so hard with a blunt weapon that it blacked out. That's one thing to add to my list of awesome achievements, which includes burning a dragon and doing a combo ultimate attack that did 80k damage on something that barely has 8k hp.

I've no titles to copy-paste, bah


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