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Alive + updates + health by Pentagram

I will be getting it again to remove something. I'ts personal and this marks what is it now 3rd time this has happened? I feel like I'm losing count. I will... be saving up money next year to remove a part of my body where this keeps happening. There's no point in keeping them and my insurance refuses to cover me on them , so fuck it I'm going to save up and get rid of them on my fucking own. They cause me enough pain as it is.
I'm sorry I'm not going into too many detail's as it's really personal for me. It's a common surgery and I've done it once before , so do not fret. I''m going to try to draw what I owe and finish it before it happens just so you all don't have to wait for me to recover.

I'm sorry i haven't been on, this time around I've been in a lot of honestly I cannot wait for the surgery.

In other other news..
I have some adopts I need to post up and I might do a stream today of me drawing some really fast sketch adopts. I need some money /shoed I want some money for things so lol.

Thank you all for your support and how you worry for me ;-; it means a lot to me.

Alive + updates + health


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    8-8 I'm so sorry that's happening again. I wish insurance companies weren't so freaking corrupt.