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wow ok oops [might wanna read this] by VCR-WOLFE

look at how fast my gallery is turning into a mushy vent art pity party, wow ok sorry

uhmm things arent...the best. on one level school is taking up a hell of a lot of my time, same with renovating my house and making it habitable uhh. thats taken a lot out of me. on more personal psychological and physiological health matters things have been REALLY not ok and im suffering quite the hit from all this hm

more importantly i feel like it should be known that due to monetary issues related to things stated above as well as some other things that i dont exactly haaaave that much on-hand cash at the moment? im kinda super sorry to say that at this current time i do not have enough money to be able to refund any of my waiting commissioners, if they would be looking for such a thing. all im going to ask is for your continued patience and offer my sincerest apologies for this.

im trying to fit in my commissioned work between school and house stuff as best i can, barring my slipping motivation and strength to continue, so its going slower than i would like it to be. do not pity me, this is likely of my own making

but uh sorry mates, ill probably be more or less very quiet and asocial for the most part these days

wow ok oops [might wanna read this]


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    I know the feelin bud, do what you gotta do.

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    Oh dear. It seems a lot of folks have been having a really rough time of things this year. I'm sorry to hear you are also not doing well. I do hope things get better for you and even though I'm not one of the folks waiting on a pic (just a lurker waiting for the chance really X3) I'm sure most folks understand that life is kind of not nice or fair at times so it will work out. I think most times it isn't even delay so much that for some folks they just go completely quiet and the person is left wondering what happened.

    So I say definitely go at a pace you are comfy with and take care of yourself first and foremost. Your health both physical and mental comes first in my opinion. Though as I mentioned, I'm just a doofy lurker so I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to speak for anyone/anything. X_x

    tl;dr version: Take care of yourself. Your health is important.

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    Please take care of yourself first and foremost! We're here for you and we understand!! (ノ゚0゚)ノ~

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    No summer vacation? That's some intense schooling :c I hope something lets up soon and you can get back to a place where art isn't a chore. I'll be rooting for you.

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    I'm in the saaaaaaaame boat
    Working on badges for AC ( even tho not going)
    Packing house
    Moving boxes and things in waves to a place 20 min away
    Having to unpack and set up all of my equipment before end of month for AC
    And then the enormous back log( that we don't speak of)