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only one):

-You must tag ALL your friends, just to make it fun xD

  1. Name: Dakota
  2. Nickname(s): Dako Dakky Dak*Hate that one* Balto Retard Wolfy Wolfboy Dickhead
  3. Birthday: 10-31-1993
  4. That makes you: Something
  5. Where were you born: Reardan W.A
  6. Location right now: My bedroom
  7. Shoe size: Not sure
  8. How many piercings?: None
  9. Tattoos?: Scar art count?
  10. When you wake up you're: Not verry nice xD.
  11. When you're about to sleep you're: Derpier than usuall.
  12. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  13. Chinese sign: Cock (xDDDDD )
  14. Righty or Lefty: RRight handed
  15. Innie or Outie: Innie
  16. School: One i dont wanna say

Section Two: Looks

  1. Nationality: Stuff
  2. Hair colour: Dark Brown
  3. Weight: Not much xD
  4. Height: like 6'3"
  5. Braces? Nupe
  6. Glasses? Lose em constantly

Section Three: Private Life

  1. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Ash x3 love her so much <3<3<3
  2. If so, who? Just said xD
  3. If not, do you have a crush on someone? Cartoon characters and Ash but we are dating so Not sure if that counte
  4. Who has a crush on you? Not sure if anyone does xD
  5. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Once and i regret it every day
  6. Who was your first kiss: No one xD
  7. Who was your last kiss: No one xD
  8. Are you a virgin? In a sense xD
  9. Ever had a threesome before? Ummm eeeeeeeeew
  10. *i deleted this question. it was creepy*
  11. Have you ever been in love? Yeah and still am xD
  12. Broken any hearts? Yes…..I'm a terrible person.
  13. Got your heart broken? Once but it was fixed
  14. Ever liked a friend? Ash xD
  15. What happened? We ended up dating x3

Section Four: Past Relationships

  1. How many relationships have you been in? 2 technicly
  2. How many were serious enough to count: 1
  3. Who were those serious ones: The one im with now x3
  4. *another creepy question*
  5. What made them different: There caring nature and understanding my many shortcomings
  6. What happened: Well we are dating so everything is perfect xD
  7. Best boy/girlfriend: Ash xD
  8. Worst boy/girlfriend: I cant say i have had a worst that would just be mean :/
  9. Ever been kissed: Nopers xD
  10. Who do you want back: No one xD
  11. Who do you regret: Cheating
  12. Why?: I was stupid and deserve to be stabbed for it :3

Section Five: Favourites

  1. Song: Payphone The Walk Off The Earth Cover
  2. Movie: Balto
  3. Food: Many tipes of pasta's xD
  4. Drink: Pepsi
  5. Store: Dont have one
  6. Television show: Adventure Time
  7. Holiday: Dont has one
  8. Book: The Man Who Lives With Wolves
  9. Ice cream: Vanilla
  10. Sweets: Not sure
  11. Crisps: *You mean chips right?* Transform a snack xD
  12. Type of music: Ask anyone who has joined my stream ill listen to anything
  13. Artist: Hmmm im not actually sure xD
  14. Word: None xD
  15. Time of day: Not sure whenever Ash gets online
  16. Dressing: KETCHUP
  17. Alcoholic drink: None xD
  18. Colour(s): Black, Blue, Red,Orange,White
  19. Piece of clothing: My wolf shirts/hoodies
  20. Character: Steele x3
  21. Smell: Not sure xD
  22. Shampoo: Any.
  23. Soap: Any
  24. Smiley: None unless they are actuall letters animated/drawn ones look tacky and make me wanna punch a baby xD
  25. Board game: MONOPOLY
  26. Sport: None xD
  27. Number: 13
  28. Quote: "Life is shit WOOT"-Dakota
  29. Animal: Wolf xD
  30. Actor: Jack Black i guess xD
  31. Vegetable: Sprouts
  32. Fruit: I DONT KNOW
  33. Place to be: Anywhere with Ash
  34. Thing in your room: Nothing really
  35. Gum: None xD
  36. Shape: Not got one
  37. Country: Again not got one
  38. Mall: Umm wha.
  39. Car: Buik Regal GNX I GOT ONE BRO *It was mah moms xD*
  40. Boy's name: Kiba?
  41. Girl's name: Mabel
  42. Family member: My dogs xD
  43. Restaurant: None
  44. Movie place: Internet
  45. Person to go to the movies with: Ash xD
  46. Noise: The hum my computer makes its soothing
  47. Brand of shoe: Any
  48. Brand of clothing: Any.
  49. Body part of a chicken: Wings.
  50. Swear word: FUCKTARD
  51. Month: None
  52. Possession: Not to sure
  53. Team: Ew, sports.
  54. Season: Winter (The sky is just so beautiful at night)
  55. Radio station: Hmm ill just have to say Vladivostok F.M of GTA I dont listen to real radios
  56. Magazine: Not got one xD
  57. Favourite grade: MEH
  58. Least favourite grade: MEH
  59. Teacher: MEH
  60. Least favourite teacher: MEH
  61. Subject: Art
  62. Subject to talk about: Music

Section Six: Family

  1. Who's your mum?: A person
  2. Who's your dad?: No idea
  3. Any step-parents?: No.
  4. Any brothers?: No.
  5. Any Sisters?: Eeyup øpø
  6. Coolest: None
  7. Loudest: I really dont want to answere these i have a bad time with my family so im not going to answere anymore sorry
  8. Best relative: *Skip to 131*
  9. Worse relative:
  10. Do you get along with your parents?
  11. With your siblings?
  12. Does anyone understand you?
  13. Do you have any pets?:
  14. If so, what kind and name?
  15. If not, what do you want as a pet?:

Section Seven: School

  1. Are you still in school? No
  2. Did you drop out?: Sorta
  3. Your current GPA: Lol I dunno.
  4. Do you buy or bring lunch?:I never stayed in long enough xD
  5. ABC's?: Easy as 123.
  6. Favorite class: Art
  7. Play any sports at school?: NOPE.
  8. Are you popular? xDDI was hated
  9. Favourite memory: Throwing my change at some fuck bag named Tom Doxy or something it made his eye bleed xDD
  10. Most humiliating moment: When my mom came in on parents night
  11. Most funniest moment: Same as favourite memory
  12. Most scared moment: When i was forced to apologise to everyone durin an assembly thing

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

  1. Chicken: Banana
  2. Dog: Banana
  3. Christina Aguilera: Banana
  4. Ricky Martin: banana
  5. 50 cent: Banana
  6. Poop: Banana
  7. Beach: Banana
  8. Desert: Banana
  9. Water: POTATOES
  10. Osama: Binana
  11. Love: Ash
  12. Your little brother: Banana
  13. Butt: Banana
  14. Clowns: Banana
  15. Wonder: Fascination.
    16o. Brown: Banana
  16. Banana: I feel it symbolises simplicity in ones self and ones soul
  17. Sex: Banana
  18. Parents: Banana
  19. Homosexuals: If male they like Banana's for none edibal reasons.
  20. God:DOESNT EXIS...Banana

Section Nine: Do you believe in

  1. God: Not real
  2. Heaven: No
  3. Devil: Also not real
  4. Hell: No
    170: Boogy man: No
  5. Closet Monsters: No
  6. Fortune tellings: Yes
  7. Magic: Yes maybe
  8. Love at first sight: In my case yes.
  9. Ghosts: Yes.
  10. Voo-doo dolls: Yes.
  11. Reincarnation: Nopers
  12. Yourself: Not really.

Section Ten: Do you

  1. Smoke: No
  2. Do drugs: No
  3. Drink alcohol: No
  4. Cuss: Yes
  5. Sing in the shower: No but everywhere else.
  6. Like school: Never did
  7. Want to get married: If Ash wanted to then i would happily xD
  8. Type with all of your fingers: Eeyup
  9. Think you're attractive: No xD
  10. Drink and drive: No
  11. Snore: Nope.
  12. Sleep walk: Nope.
  13. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Of course, the colors are stunning.

Section Eleven: Have you ever

  1. Flashed someone: No
  2. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: no
  3. Told that person how you felt: So many times it drove em mad at one point ^^;
  4. Been arrested: no
  5. Gone to jail or juve: no
  6. Skateboarded: Yeah xD
  7. Skinny dipped: No
  8. Rock climbed: no
  9. Killed someone: I cant say no but i cant say yes honestly i am not sure .-.
  10. Watched porn: Not on perpous
  11. Gone on a road trip: Yeah xD
  12. Went out of the country: I have been out of it for years
  13. Talked back to an adult: Loooads
  14. Broken a law:Yes xD
  15. Got pulled over: Nope amazingly concidering im licence less xD
    208: Cried to get out of trouble: Nope.
  16. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Not a rl friend but i have helped my online ones ÆThey are my real friends :3*
  17. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: nope
  18. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: nope
  19. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: maybe o3o
  20. Moon someone: nah
  21. Shop-lifted: Yeah when i was desperate .-.
  22. Worked at McDonald's: nope
  23. Eaten a dog: I WOULDN'T DARE.
  24. Give money to a homeless person: No
  25. Glued your hand to yourself: uh, what?
  26. Kissed someone of the same sex: no
  27. Had a one night stand: nope
  28. Smoked: nope
  29. Done drugs: nope
  30. Lose a friend because of your ex: nope
  31. Slap someone for being stupid: xDD Yes
  32. Had cyber sex: Wish i hadnt xD
  33. Wish you were the opposite sex: Nope not really
  34. Caught someone doing something: My dog humping the sofa xD
  35. Played a game that removes clothing: nah
  36. Cried during a movie: Nope
  37. Cried over someone: Yes
  38. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Eeyup and i did <3<3
  39. Hooked up with someone you barely met: nope.
  40. Ran away from home: Yes xD
  41. Cheated on a test: Eeyup xD

Section Twelve: Would you

  1. Bungee jump: yes
  2. Sky dive: yes
  3. Swim with dolphins: OMG YES
  4. Steal a friend's bf or gf: Depends on how you mean like if you mean affection heell no if you mean kidnap i would totally do that for shits and giggles xD
  5. Try to be the opposite sex: Im not entirely sure what that means xD
  6. Lie to the police: Eeyup
  7. Run from the police: Eeyup
  8. Lie to your parents: yes
  9. Backstab a friend for your own well being: No or if i have not intentionally and whoever it is im sorry :3
  10. Be an exotic dancer: no thanks.
  11. *mentally scarring question here*

Section Thirteen: Are you

  1. Shy: In a sense
  2. Loud: When mad
  3. Nice: Ill let you make that call
    249: Outgoing: Oh no.
    250: Quiet: Not really xD
  4. Mean: I have been told im evil not worth the time due to it and plenty of stuff like that so ima sayyes
  5. Emotional: Extremely. But I don't like showing my emotions. I try to be the strong one. *But fail*
  6. Sensitive: Very.
  7. Gay: Bisexual thankiesxD
  8. Strong: No xD
  9. Weak: Mhmm
  10. Caring: Again thats for my friends to deciide
  11. Dangerous: I have been told i am :/
  12. Crazy: Yes.
  13. Spontaneous: Maybe
  14. Funny: Ash said i am : D
  15. Sweet: Again Ash said i am xD
  16. Sharing: I hope i am
  17. Responsible: Sort of.
  18. Trustworthy: I feel i am but i have lied an awefull lot in my time :3
  19. Open-minded: Yeah xD
  20. Creative: very
  21. Cute: no
  22. Slick: um
  23. Smart: eh
  24. Dumb: yes
  25. Evil: Yes xD
  26. Ghetto: No xD
  27. Classy: NOT AT ALL
  28. Photogenic: absolutely not
  29. Dependable: yes
  30. Greedy: no
  31. Ugly: very
  32. Messy: organized chaos.
  33. Neat: eh
  34. Perverted: xDD
  35. Silly: kinda
  36. A B****: yes
  37. A Good Listener: Again hope so
  38. A Fighter: For what I believe in.
  39. A Party Animal: nah
  40. A Game Freak: if I had the money
  41. A Computer Freak: yes

Section Fourteen: Future

  1. Dream job: Anything involving canines
  2. Dream house: As long as im with Ash and she is happy a trash can for all i care
  3. Husband/Wife: Ash she is perfect in every way <3
  4. Kids: No thanks xD
  5. Names: Huh?
  7. Car: DELORIAN
  8. Age you would want to get married: For Ash to decide xD
  9. Best Man/Bride's Maid: Grape: Best Man Avix Bridesmaid: *I got a friend so so does Ash hence teh Avixle x3*
  10. Honeymoon: At home cuddled up x3

Section Fifteen: Your friends

  1. Best friend:Ash xD
  2. Known the longest: Ash
  3. Craziest: That is a hard one xD
  4. Loudest: Grape xD
  5. Shyest: Not sure
  6. Best hair: xD Hair is hair
  7. Best eyes: Eyes are eyes *Looks really dont bother me so i cant say who has the best*
  8. Best body: A body is a body
  9. Most Athletic: LOL.
  10. Hot-Tempered: No idea
  11. Most impatient: No idea
    *Allright all my friends are online and i have only seen Ash in person so im not answereing these as its impossible xD*
  12. Shortest: Joyce
  13. Tallest: Julie
  14. Skinniest: Seth
  15. Best singer: All of them
  16. Funniest: Brandi
    *Ok ill answere these ones*
  17. Can always make you laugh: Ash Kelly Grape xD
  18. Wish you talked to more: Grape
  19. Wish you saw more: Cant answere
  20. Who drives you insane after a while: None that i know of
  21. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: Ash xD
  22. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': Nope
  23. Whose always been there when you need them: Ash xD
  24. Who is like your family: All of em
  25. How many friends do you have?: 8 xD
  26. How many are really close? All of em only my close firends count

Section Sixteen: The last

  1. Thing you ate: Sammich
  2. Thing you drank: Water
  3. Thing you wore: Blessthefall shirt
  4. Thing you did: typed <-that word
  5. Place you went: Mencap
  6. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Nuthing
  7. Person you saw: Frank West *No joke my Mencap dude is called that xD*
  8. Person you hugged: Ash virtually xD
  9. Person you kissed: Ash virtually but a loong time ago
  10. *creepy question alert*
  11. Person you talked to online: Ash xD *Seing a pattern here
  12. Person you talked to on the phone: Sister a loong while back
  13. Song you heard: Were in Heaven Candlelight remix
  14. Show you saw: Adventure Time
  15. Time you fought with your parents: .....
  16. Time you fought with a friend: Not sure
  17. Words you said: *Is glomped* Yush *hugs*

Section Seventeen: Now

  1. What are you eating: nothing
  2. What are you drinking: Water
  3. What are you thinking: Damn this is long *NO PERVY THOUGHTS PEOPLE*
  4. What are you wearing: clothes
  5. What are you doing: This
  6. Hair: Dark Brown
  7. Mood: Good xD
  8. Listening to: Fight The FIre
  9. Talking to anyone: Ash xD
  10. Watching anything: The Screen

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

  1. Are you a vegetarian: no
  2. Are you a carnivore: Yeah
  3. Are you heterosexual: No
  4. Do you like penguins: YES
  5. Do you write poetry: No xD
  6. Do you see stupid people: not atm
  7. You + Me: Youme *Sounds like a bad anime name*
  8. Do you like the Osbournes: eh
  9. Can you see flying pigs: unfortunately not
  10. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: yes.
  11. Are you from Afghanistan: xDD No
  12. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: Who?
  13. Are you a zombie: maybe
  14. Am i annoying you: Yes xD
  15. Do you bite your nails: No
  16. Can you cross your eyes: Not sure xD
  17. Do you make your bed in the morning: MAH FLOOR MATTRESS DOESNT NEED MAKING
  18. Have you touched someone's private part:OH GOD D : NO xD

Section Nineteen: This or That

  1. Winter or Summer: winter
  2. Spring or Autumn: autumn
  3. Shakira or Britney: 0.o
  4. MTV or VH1: 0.o
  5. Black or White: black
  6. Yellow or Pink: Pink
  7. Football or Basketball: neither
  8. Mobile Phone or Pager: None
  9. Pen or Pencil: pencil
  10. Cold or Hot: HOT IM FREEZING D :
  11. Tattoos or Piercings: None
  12. Inside or Outside: outside
  13. Weed or Alcohol: None
  14. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
  15. Tape or Glue: tape
  16. McDonald's or In-n-Out: mcdonald's

Section Twenty: Opinions

  1. What do you think about classical music: Lobve it
  2. About boy bands: I like Westlife
  3. About suicide: I enjoy the thought on occasion
  4. About people who try to force their opinions on you: LICK MY ARM PIT
  5. About teen pregnancy: DAMN HOES.
  6. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Dead or incarcerated xD
  7. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Hopefully everyone but cant say
  8. About gay men: Same as a normal man unless camp that irritates me xD

Section Twenty-One:

  1. Do you have a website: Nope
  2. Current weather right now: Dark, and cold,
  3. Current time: 02:42
  4. Any shout outs: Nopers
  5. Last thoughts: Was the longest shit ever xD

I tags Ash and Kelly xD



Journal Information



  • Link

    My gosh that's long. I feel like a stalker for reading the shoe thing. >u>

  • Link

    Whole not show. Auto correct hates me. Haha.

    • Link

      You aint no stalker and even if you are i dun care x3 and as for you auto correct *Eats it* HA

      • Link

        Haha. That's what I want you to think.

        Yes, eat it, my pet.

        • Link

          DUN DUN DUN xDD AND I SHALL *Continues to nom*

          • Link

            Hey on your request, did you want anthro or feral? Any specifics or shall I just draw you exactly how I want. >:D