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My thoughts on the rule change. by Mazz

I'm pretty upset there is no rule demanding all users to feed me tacos.

Other than that, it doesn't really effect how I grade my art and this place is still WAY THE FUCK BETTER THAN FA/SOFURRY/DA/INSERTGENERICARTWEBSITEHERE.

My thoughts on the rule change.


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    I like that they updated the rules, it really makes everything much more clear!

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    Rules? They have rules here?

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    Yes, it was much better. There was some transphobic BS in the orig. posting but they finally gave in and removed it.

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      wait, transphobic how? (I never read the original rules.) I'm assuming being like vagina=woman and penis=man or smth?

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        It was more "Female breasts covered, male not." with a "if they're big, they're female, no matter what you call them."

        They changed it to a more reasonable (and still probably legal) "big breasts covered" with no "female" modifier forced.

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          ah, that's obnoxious. It was also somewhat misogynist in the double-standard.... good thing they changed it.

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            Yeah, there was furor and I think some mods/admins/directors were kinda crappy with how they defended it "it's the law, we HAVE TO DO IT THAT WAY". But they fixed it, I'm happy.

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    I haven't even been here a day and I can agree. this is better than ALL THE OTHER SITES. loads faster, uploads faster, has awesome gadgets.
    and omfg that icon o.o

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    I think it makes it a lot easier to rate my uploads tbh. I hate when you have super vague rules like some sites.

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    I'm glad they made the rating rules very specific yet easy to understand.

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    I'm happy they specifically classified boners as the top tier grade, because I hate running across boners in my more-or-less SFW searches...