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No Internet by TwelveWounds

Just an FYI everyone... I don't have internet at home so my hours are pretty much limited online to Library hours.
So if I don't comment or something it's because I haven't made it to the library.
Lots of crazy horrible crap going on at home. Drama llama biizzzneessss that's really too lame to get into.
Hoping to get a new phone soon (as my birthday is next month) so that I can go back to work.
I had made preorders for two FREE figurines that I desperately want (late birthday present, I'm calling it... when you get to this age you cry and then you buy your own cake and presents) ...also I collect anime figurines. It helps me draw the mens.

Anyway! Just thought I'd pop in here and mention why I was being lame.
I'm on twitter a whoollllleeee lot more (I have 3 publishing companies watching me there, 1 from Japan, for some reason, I dunno why...)


See ya peeps!

No Internet


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    I don't have a twitter, otherwise I would totally speak with you there. I just don't want to get onto too many social networking sites because I loath them for the most part. I miss you and hope you get internet back soon. :C

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      I can understand that. Lots of people don't want to for that purpose. To be honest, I only started going there once I learned that a lot of my favorite mangaka go there and I'm always willing to try and get out there so being on as many social networking sites helps (or is supposed to LOL). There are more publishers on Twitter than anywhere else, believe it or not.
      I'd use facebook but there are issues with that site on such a grand scale I just don't use it for art promoting purposes. Twitter is just much easier to post and run lol.

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        I understand that. I just loath them, ESPECIALLY facebook, oh god I cannot stand that site.

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          Yeah, I really don't blame you there. I don't like it much myself as it provides no real gain for me. Aside from talking to my mother who lives in another country, it's really a useless site. :/

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    Ifollowed on twitter :D

    Sucks about the internets though. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon and stuff D:

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      I hope so too. This walk uphill to the library everyday is refreshing at times but not so much when I'm walking in a thunderstorm lol

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    Oh Grim! It's such a pain that your internet is down, hopefully it'll be restored soon enough, you're very missed (though I'm happy we can stillhang out a little bit in FR) I have a twitter acc but honestly I haven't figured out how to ise it yet lolol it's just there "catching dust"

    I wanted to thank you a lof for those map tutorials you showed me. They are awesome and they did help me a lot to put a lot of things down. You have no idea how a big deal this is for me. I really really apreciate your support ♥ ♥

    Hope to have you back soon :3

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      Ahhh usually that's how it starts out for a few years. Just sits there with intention but never gets used. I found a few mangaka I like on there so now it's a little busier then it used to be. (and oddly enough a ton of comic publishers go on there, from all over) I spoke to a Japanese publisher from a company called Kodansha in May and he said that a lot of Japanese comic publishers/editors use Twitter... so with my head in the clouds I jumped at the opportunity to post more LOL

      OHHH!!!! I'm so happy that all worked! It's a REALLY long tutorial. Holy crap. It took me 12 straight hours to finish. (though I wonder if I'd do a better job now that I've upgraded photoshop :/ ) Glad to hear it all worked out for you! Also did the books help out as well? I wonder if the uploads worked since they came straight from my flash drive... OuO

      Well! If I move out anytime soon, I might have the opportunity to be online more regularly. Next month is my birthday so I know where most of my extra beans are going. DQ ice cream ccaaaaakkkkeeee yiiiiissssssssssss

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        The books were also very very helpful and yes they worked just fine. That map tutorials sure was LONG but it paid off. I cannot thank you enough for all of your help and support ♥

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          No problem! I'm just happy that it's all working. Those tutorials really helped me get going so if it helped this big procrastinator, it'd help anyone! LOL!