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just wondering... by dioptasy

is anyone like me in the way that the longer i don't do art, the harder it is to actually get art done? like sometimes i'm able to draw everyday but then i stop for one day and then it ends up where i'm not doing anything for days until some random incidence that causes me to get art done. ok that was really long winded and random sorry haha. i mean, the longest i went without drawing was like 2 years.... >.>;

it's just very hard for me to draw again after a dry spell (is that the right way to use that haha) so i was wondering if anyone else feels the same and how they deal with that? i'm just afraid that if i force myself to draw it'll become a chore but waiting for artistic moods to turn on isn't really working :/

just wondering...


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  • Link

    Yeah, it's definitely happened to me as well. It usually only lasts a week or two at most, though. I tend to force myself to draw, and it helps get me back into the swing of things again.

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      I just wish I didn't hate sketching so much x_x it's not really the sketching part i dislike, I just ragequit too easily lol (which is bad i kno)

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        Ah yeah, I generally try and push myself more before quitting ;v; Some days I just can't get anything right.

        • Link

          true true @n@ just gotta keep going~ even if the road's all rocky haha

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    Man, I feel you on this much. I've picked up drawing again recently after doing very little for very long, and I feel like I might as well be working blindfolded. I tried just forcing it at first but when I wasn't immediately able to get back into the level of work I expected to be able to make, it put me on a fast track to art = frustration/stress.

    I think what helped me most was being especially patient with myself -- sitting down and reworking parts of pictures that didn't work until I was satisfied with them, even if it took much more time than it should, instead of throwing them out when I didn't like how it's coming along. I also didn't hesitate to put work away to revisit a different morning if I felt like I was going nowhere with it and might have a clearer view of what needed fixing after a fresh review later.

    I think it's difficult for everyone sometimes to get back into the swing of making art after a while. With trial and error, I'm sure you'll figure out what works best for you.

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      Aww thanks :] I'm trying to slowly get back into the swing of things but I'm super impatient lol. I just want to paint super large awesome epic things but I know I have to take slow baby steps ;w; I'm gonna try to not give up so easily ahaha even tho it's extremely hard (i'm such a giver-upper!!)

  • Link

    I absolutely feel you on this one. I know how fast or how well something should be coming out in my head, but if I've taken a break from artwork (I've done it for what felt like 1-2 years) I really tread water in order to get back into it. Even now, I'm still trying to catch back up to certain things I used to be capable of. I have so much I want to put down, but I can't lay it adequately so I get frustrated with it. When I can't get my 'artist' on, I usually look around for something I haven't learned yet, but have been meaning to take the time with and that helps a lot..makes you better too, I think.

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      Absolutely~ It's really difficult to get past that disappointment of not creating something that looks "right" like in your mind >.< But new materials are fun to play with, I think I just have to learn to relax and not think too much about what I'm doing and not get too frustrated when I mess up but emotions are hard to surf x_x;