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SORRY FOR INACTIVITY crossposting woes by feralynn

i'm.. really bad at crossposting haha.. /laughs nervously
between deviantart, fa, here, tumblr.. different things get posted,,,,,
and i keep forgetting what i post where
and a lot of time i'm too lazy to post anywhere (much less everywhere).. oops

the result is that about a half of my artworks manages to get uploaded to one of four sites
for people that follow me only one one, i guess its no big deal, they'll see new things eventually.. even if its something i actually drew 5 months ago. if there's anyone that follows me everywhere though i'm sure it gets annoying.. or maybe its nice to see different things on each site?? even if "oh ive seen that already" is a thing that often happens..... i dont know

i need to work on posting more consistently
especially since weasyl is what i respect most as an art site platform
but ive been spending more time on deviantart because of pokemon rp groups..haha
as for furaffinity.. maybe i should just drop it all together? i dont feel good about the site, though ive heard its a good commission market.. i've never gotten a good enough following to really use it for commissions in the first place

just thinking out loud here haha!!
either way i'll try to remember to post things here

SORRY FOR INACTIVITY crossposting woes


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