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Welp heres my first journal entry... by Coastal Creature Works

Hello all, here I am writing my first journal here on Weasyl. Don't worry I won't make it long. Just a small summary of the month I might go back and edit this later and tell a bit about me but, for now this is it.
To begin Lilyface is hosting a raffle on here. I am hosting one as well on my FA.
My raffle:

Now lets see I've started photography class at school and that's been a lot of fun. In class this month we've been working with Papercraft. I designed a figure of my Oni Kitsune. I will post a pick later. I'm planning to take commissions for them as a sort of paper craft badge and no they are not those things that you print off and fold. We also designed paper craft movie posters for a film festival held by the Carolina Theatre. I did Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo and just about every birds fan is wishing that The birds of been a option
Next we're starting block printing, Here's the interesting part... we're doing beer labels. Feel free to comment with ideas.I'm struggling a bit given I don't drink and I haven't really thought too much about beer labels though I imagine I'll come up with something soon afteall last semester I designed a label for some BBQ sauce for another company in the Carolinas.
I've been enjoying product illustration this semester though I find quilling a pain in the tukus.

In other news I've finally got some silicone casts done of canine noses and other things, quite a few molds have been made. Including the silicone mold for the resin toony raccoon base I'm making. Though other than that that project's on a hold as is a few of my other suit ideas.

Personal project to do list:
Finish Rocky Great Dane fursuit (body suit, furring, paws,and mouth and ear mechanics remain)
Finish Major Boxer partial(paws and tail)
Get fur and start work on Oni kitsune half suit (concept phase ready to get started just lacking funds.)
try out new badge and drawing ideas and in general get better.
Finish Mako's character sheet(NSFW sheet done, preparing to start work on SFW sheet)
Finish Oni Kitsune's character sheet(started, close up and front view needs side and back)
Name Oni Kitsune
study anatomy and figure drawing
Work on MASH graphic novel (started sort of. Its a sporadic effort and I still have to finish drawing characters)
Work on Gruff graphic novel (just started, in script and minor illustration stage)
work on novel(s) (all in various stages)
practice NSFW drawing
Finish character design contest character sheet(s)(various stages most need a character sheet completed)
Work on Okto fursuit(heavy concept and supply phase ) This suit's going to have robotics, camera parts, clock part, vacuum formed plastic and much much more in it. Long term project.
Learn robotics programming Code (feel free to let me know if you know someone or a site that can help teach me this)
Save up for a round trip plane ticket to Wisconsin
That's it for now other than
I'm taking commissions and Trades right now. My prices are really cheap. I'd love for someone to be my first customer. I've got a special deal going on right now go over to my FA and check it out Buy one get one free
Feel free to donate if you wish

Welp heres my first journal entry...

Coastal Creature Works