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Trouble in Teamwork Town by DeRiften

Today's rendering class went well enough, we got an unannounced quiz and a project that I've already almost finished (I only didn't finish it in class because the teacher said he'd give extra work if he found out the assignment was too simple), then managed to teach proper teamwork to one of my teammate before leaving the two of 'em to finalize the Physics project with plenty of suggestions on how to fix the critical bug (I had half an hour to waste before my bus arrived so I organized a lil' brainstorming session to figure out what was wrong with the program, and that's how we found the probable fix). I guess I'm a good leader, surprisingly. I mean if you look at it this way, I'm actually managing to make work the worst team setup in the class; one of my teammate literally falls asleep during theoretical classes if he isn't reading manga so nobody else would ever team up with him, but what they don't know is that he has a trump card and that is that he's an extremely fast learner when it comes to practical stuff, so give him just one assignment and after a day it's like he'll have understood everything in the theoretical class.

Then my other teammate is the autistic guy I mentioned waaay back. Now that one's the complete opposite; he's a genius both in theory and practice, but he's very socially awkward and doesn't know how to work in teams... at least until now. By the end of the program, I'll turn both of 'em into capable video game programmers and impress the rest of the class doing so :o

Oh well, once back home I ate some nice butter & herbs pasta with turkey meatballs, before thinking about a pun about gmod and fmod, which at the same time reminded me that gmod existed so I went back there and most of the old players were still there and we had a blast once again! Now I just need to take the habit of playing there again... and also take the habit of recording songs regularly again (I've had multiple throat/tongue infections for the past two weeks but now it's gone and I just either lack the time or completely forget about it)

Trouble in Teamwork Town


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