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Street Harassment (a rant) by dicitencello

The amount of attention + harassment I get on the street and in public places on a regular basis is honestly frightening.

I’ve been yelled at from cars, given “cute” nicknames when I walk by, I have been called offensive slurs when I refuse their advances, I have been followed to my destinations, I have had a man masturbate in front of me, and I have been touched by strangers several times.

In the past week I’ve had a guy touch me when I was holding hands with my girlfriend, and now theres a guy at a public hangout I frequent who has developed a crush on me, one so bad that he glares down any other guy I talk to and circles the area until I’m done talking to the other men. This isn’t including the amount of times I’ve had people shout at me from cars or pass by me and tell me how hot I am.

This is only the past week.

I'm so fucking disgusted.

Street Harassment (a rant)


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    On the one hand, at least people find you attractive. On the other, larger hand, what dickwads. I'm guessing you live in the city where there's lots of people?

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      Yep. I live in a popular city in the deep, deep south where there are tons of tourists and a similar amount of redneck dickfaces.

      It's exhausting and really upsets my girlfriend since she doesn't feel safe with me wandering around alone, given how many times I've been grabbed or guys have blocked my path.

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        Kinda reminds me of Birmingham. At least, that's the only large city I've been to very recently, so I can understand how you feel

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    ew oh my god WHT IS WRONG?? WITH PEOPLE??? i'm so sorry you've had to deal with that
    punch them all in the jaw
    show em what's up

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      I will beat them all up

      Ugh I'm just so disgusted

      Also idk if you got my message on tumblr but my aim was hacked and I couldn't recover it (thus my period of not being on aim) and I have a NEW ACCOUNT

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        I IDNT GET YOUR MESSAGE NO note me ur new acc