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Why is this summer different? by foxboyprower

There's something a bit odd about this summer. I don't have any classes. That's a weird thing for me. For the last five years of my life, I've had summer classes. Because the classes never stopped for me, there was no break to look forward to in the summers. I lost my full grip on the concept of "break" and thus I lost my concept "working" as well. For the last five years of my life, the black and white zones of work time and break time have been a big gray blur of "I should be studying" time.
So being faced with a lot of free time now is a rather alien concept to me. But I want to make the most of it.
I plan on getting a lot of stuff done:
Finishing "Stolen Heart of Fire"
Learning and using one programming language
Getting all my files sorted, synchronized, and archived across my three computers (and one external hard drive)
Read all the works of HP lovecraft
Play a bunch of video games
Learn a foreign language
Teach my bearded dragon how to do tricks
Find the cure for at least one kind of cancer
Well obviously I'm a bit optimistic about what I can accomplish during a break, but I think we all know what that's like. I do have a list of things to do, and I do want to get a lot done this summer. I really want to finish the story so feel free to pester me about working on it. I might need a bit of focus to stay on track since I no longer have any excuse to not write.
It's good to be back writing. Expect more from me. I certainly do.

Why is this summer different?


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