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Wakka wakka wakka by DeRiften

Oh boy am I tired. Today's class was pretty simple, we did a recap on the theory we saw last class before the Golem gave us a practical assignment to see how advanced we were with Unity. Suffice it to say, he was expecting us to work on it for the reminder of the class but I ended up leaving an hour and a half early. Arrived home, ate a lil' something and I started playing games idly but I wasn't in the mood for it and I didn't have any videos to watch. Nay, I wanted to make the damn sounds work on my Pac-Man game and... well... five hours later my sound works, I reduced the lag and loading times, make it so Pac-Man and the ghosts return to their original positions when you die, managed to make it so Pac-Man turns a different color when he eats special pallets and when he's that color, he can eat the ghosts instead of getting killed. All I can think of that's left to do is to make that boost temporary and my Pac-Man will be complete, but for now, I think I deserve a rest @_@

Man, talk about a productive day, I'm amazed! This is when I realize how much I've progressed as a programmer in not even two weeks. Back then, I had no idea how to do any of those things but now the abstract concepts seem simple enough to be realized and I find myself understanding the source code easily. I'm actually pretty dang happy, I thought I'd always have trouble with pointers, polymorphism and whatnot.

Wakka wakka wakka


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