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Political Black Sheep by BigBlueSkies

As the only liberal in a family of conservatives, it begins to feel more and more like I'm Lex Luthor sitting at the Superman family table. They talk about things like liberal bias in the media, and the middle east is a garbage culture, and America is SO GREAT and if you disagree you're a horrible person, as if I'm not even there.

It hurts when you would be unwelcomed by your own family if it were not for the blood you share with them.

I'm sure it's as bad if the positions were reversed.

Why do we make people into the Other instead of making them allies?

Political Black Sheep


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    That's just how we think. I suppose the counter to that is to identify based on similarities and ignore differences, but folks don't seem to like that much.

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      I was beginning to wonder if this would get any reply. I fall into that latter category, as far as I can anyway.
      It just hurts.

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    Because life without conflict is boring and makes for boring people. By having conflicting points of views, we not only strengthen and hone our own beliefs, but often get the smug satisfaction of feeling superior to someone we are sure is wrong. Or sometimes we look deeper and try and see things from their perspective and try to understand, even if others don't.

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      Tough point for me to refute, on life without conflict. I love me a good fight on many different levels; I just don't think things ever need come to blows with THAT level of frustration. And I don't want to really be anyone's enemy, if I can help making a friend out of the deal instead.
      But I think I may be the anomaly in that case.

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    In the same position.

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    I know that feeling very, very well. I'm in the closet about all of my beliefs which contradict theirs, too. It's not fun.

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      It still boils to the surface every now and again. Feeling it a lot lately, in fact, so perhaps fate has brought your comment to this journal in a timely way!

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        I know, right? It resonated really well with me too. The universe can be funny that way...