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Laptop is good to go! by K-Libra

A new driver was the answer indeed and she seems to be working just dandy now. Streams and other artwork can now resume!

Laptop is good to go!


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    Wooooooo! Nice.

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      Now I just need to get active again. I think it cut into motivation at the wrong time for me. XD This weekend I'm gonna try to pump out some new stuff.

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        Sweet, looking forward to it. Just realized I was not following you (I lose track of this 'cus it feels like I'm following everyone anyway).

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          D'aww, you didn't have to follow me just because... at least I hope you aren't. Nobody needs to stick around to see my stuff if it's not their dig.

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            I'm not, I have weird reasons why I do and don't follow people. "Ease of interaction" is my primary trait that I look for (umbrella term for a lot of factors), followed by if I'm interested in what they have to say and/or their work. This isn't to say that people I don't follow don't fit into both of those, but I've always kept my watchlist kind of small and prefer to just browse. Weasyl makes it less necessary to follow people, anyway. That journal browsing feature is too nice.

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              Alrighty, either way I'm glad about it. ^-^