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fabulous, mental health issues ahead by candyangelo

TW for depression, relationship and work/school related stress.

My friend is quickly recovering from her car accident, which is a good thing although she's completely immobilized at the moment. she can't go back to school for the rest of the semester and is quite upset about it. Most importantly, she's alive and healing.

Also dealing with the ex boyfriend who's been acting like more of a complete dick more than usual, in example of revealing about my sexual life when I used to date him, and the nsfw art I draw to my non-artists friends, which I keep to myself for professional reasons. I don't have any fucking clue why he thought that was funny, but he's going to lose friends eventually if he keeps pulling shit like that. His ass is leaving for the navy tomorrow, I wont have to deal with him again.

beside all of this, I've been running my ass ragged for a month with getting up at four in the morning just to get to school, helping build props for a city event which happened a couple of days ago, and basically getting my animation portfolio together. It's getting harder to find a part time job to help pay for my mother and I, even if I keep calling in and going in on location, it's discouraging for me and just fucks up my motivation. I don't know. The more I keep wishing for a break the more longer the semester grows, which for me ends within two weeks. I really need the break and focus on me for a while.

fabulous, mental health issues ahead


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    Giving you all my love and support! Really hope it gets better. D:

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      Thanks, I'm hoping it does too. :/ I wouldn't be such in a ragged mood hadn't it been for the ex being stupid.

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        Ugh, I'm sorry you have to deal with that...:C I don't approve of his dumb attitude, arrgh >_<

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          yeah, I can for sure see why you and Rob ignored him completey. he's too childish.

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            Yep, it just got old really fast and I can't tolerate that kind of thing. Still, I offer hugs and warm wishes! ♥

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              thankssss! Just gotta pull through it now.

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                I'm here if you need support. <3