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[UPDATE] School, job, commissions.. by Rooc

Heyo! Sorry if I haven't been as active lately, but this semester has been pretty busy.

Tomorrow will be my last day (just have a group presentation as the exam and I am done haha) and if I did well enough in all my classes I should finally be graduated! So that means my free ride is over and I'll have to start looking into jobs, which brings me to my next point..

I got a job already xD

It's part-time and only for the summer, but my parents are letting me coast a little before I get a full-time job. So it's mainly to get me started on a work history and experience. I'm just nervous as heck about the cash register - it looks so difficult haha. But they're all nice ladies and I'm sure it'll all be fine.

But I'll be opening up for commissions sometime next week - I'll more than likely post a journal and take a couple colored sketches or something first, to ease back into it really. So keep a look out!

I hope everyone else is doing good! (:

[UPDATE] School, job, commissions..


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  • Link

    Good luck on all that ! I hope you'll be ok ! ^.^

    • Link

      Thanks! ^^

      (I did get your note btw - I'll just save you a spot for when I officially open commissions if that's ok!)

      • Link

        Hehe, sure it's very okay ! ^.^ Thank =3 Note me back when you'll be open if that's okay ! ^^

  • Link

    Congrats on the job c: