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Fur Meme by isaacellobo

What made you choose the species of your main fursona?

I love canines. Especially wolves~~~

Does your fursona have the same personality you have?

Yup, since he is me personality-wise.

Does your fursona have the same dislikes and likes as you do?

Yup yup~

Does your fursona look like you at all?

He used to, but I got creative with his design as time went on.

Is your fursona the same gender as you, if not why?

Yes he is

Do you have more then one main fursona?

Yes. I have Usokui the Baku and Tsukihiko the Pupion.

Is your fursona mated, if so is it to your real life significant other?

Yup~~~ <3

If not are they looking for a mate, or are they a swinger so to speak?


Is there something special about your fursona that you think sets them apart from others?

Mmmmm probably? But it's hard to think of what...

Do you have much art of your main fursonas?

Yup, mostly mine but I have gift art as well of him.

Would you ever consider parting with your main fursona, if so why?


If you suit, do you have a suit of your main fursona?

No, it's really not my thing.

Have you ever roleplayed with your main fursona, or do you prefer not to?

Do you consider your main fursona to be a part of you in any way?

Since he is me and I am him....yes

Fur Meme


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